Reminder of boat etiquette as we emerge from covid

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Hard to do when the practice is to leave mask and regulator on until back on board safely and to your berth.

If only. Unfortunately that protocol was not observed on my last trip. My mask is always clipped onto my gear when not on my face.
Feed the crew, feed the boat. I always bring snacks for the crew and usually offer any extras around the boat. Cookies, apples, or granola bars are cheap. The little bananas you can get in Mexico are actually banana flavored've been warned.

Have your own save a dive kit with the spares for your gear. I carry the "diveshop in a box" and it's available to everyone, orings and either surgical tubing or bungee can make a mask strap or fin strap, I also carry a low pressure hose and a high pressure hose, fin strap for mine and my wife's fins (or yours If you dive Avanti Quatros) and a back up mask, hp and lp plugs, HP spools, a second stage, extra light, zip ties, extra mouth piece, small crescent and Allen wrenchs, and a bunch of other crap. It seems that on every trip some has a hp hose start death and taxes it's gonna happen.

Help anyone that may need it...but ask first. Never touch someone else's valve without being asked first.

If someone forgets their defog, offer to spit in their mask...but only if you have been vacinated. I have special divemaster spit that works better than most and am always willing to share free of charge. No one ever takes me up on my free spit or my offer to "prewarm" their wetsuit. That kind of hurts......

Clean up your sh!t when Your dive is over. Take your rigid rolling body sized scuba bag and put all your stuff in it on the way back in....if the conditions reasonably allow. Don't be the guy or girl that waits until you are tied up at the dock to start stowing their gear so everyone has to go around you trying to get off the boat.

If the boat is awkwardly quiet, political debate is always a great way to break the ice..."I sure miss Trump because....." will make you new friends fast! (Stop's a joke.....and will probably be moderated soon) Criticizing others gear for not diving a DSS or Halcyon back plate And wing works equally as well.

Don't be offended if @Marie13 pees on you...she is just establishing her dominance.....

Safe travels y'all, see you on the reefs or wrecks,

So, brag loudly about your DORIA dives while hooking up your tank backwards.

My 90-somethingth dive was a cenote dive on the mainland during a Cozumel port closure. Nearly all of my 90+ dives to that point were cold-water, independent shore dives in Monterey - not that I'm hardcore or anything but suffice to say I am self-sufficient and know how to assemble my own gear. While assembling my gear outside the cenote, the DM (French guy, full cave, diving sidemount doubles) observin me said "you might want to put your BCD on the other way." Yep, I had put the BCD on the tank backwards for the first time in my diving career. Chalk it up to the heat, or maybe the intimidation factor of the DM watching me assemble my gear. I'm sure he was watching to get a sense of what he was going to be dealing with in the cave. Oops.

I wanted the earth to swallow me up (I guess cenote country is a good place for that!) but he was pretty cool about it, at least outwardly. After the first dive he complimented me on my trim, buoyancy, and control in the water, and said I looked like someone with way more than 90 dives...after the shitshow of my gear assembly, it was probably a low bar to impress the guy.
Here's one link. There are more about banana peels...

The Truth About Fruit and How Long It Takes to Biodegrade
Wow, that was really not helpful. "Up to. . ." and "as quickly as" are huge modifiers. If you throw a banana peel out in the middle of the desert it will still be there years later, just desiccated. Throw it out in your average deciduous forest or rain forest and it'll be gone in weeks. Drop it on the tundra and scientists will be puzzling over it in 10,000 years when they pull it from the ice.
Wow, that was really not helpful. "Up to. . ." and "as quickly as" are huge modifiers. If you throw a banana peel out in the middle of the desert it will still be there years later, just desiccated. Throw it out in your average deciduous forest or rain forest and it'll be gone in weeks. Drop it on the tundra and scientists will be puzzling over it in 10,000 years when they pull it from the ice.

Article was posted to address, "That isn't even remotely true!" Apparently it is true in two of your cases.

From the article...

"Lastly, we need to discuss what happens when you leave fruit out in the environment. Some people toss apple cores and banana peels out the window of their car. They tell themselves that it will biodegrade anyway, so it does not matter. This is the same when hikers toss food off the trail. In reality, the fruit still does not decompose at a fast rate. Depending on where you toss it, that fruit can still be there months down the road. In fact, some banana peels can take up to two years to decompose. Banana peels will decompose in a matter of weeks in a compost pile, so the rate of decay in the environment is also slower. This poses a threat to local wildlife and can disrupt their normal eating habits."

The point is to not litter.
Without one mention to going in the water... Nor whether its tropical or temperate seas. Also what are the sea conditions?

Let's get back on track here. What to do with food scraps, banana peels, etc. was addressed early in the thread.

Be kind and helpful to all unless your helpfulness is getting in the way of the crew.

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