Soggy:Not really, if you know how to configure your gear.
By all means, get rid of the console, but a properly configured SPG on a short hose (~24") has no chance of getting tangled or bouncing on the coral.
With the right length hose and a bolt snap and there is no need to hold on to your SPG.
You are trying to solve a problem that does not exist by creating other potentially worse problems. Learn how to configure your gear better and you fill ind that what you think are roblms really are not.
That's a whole other discussion,
but your premise that fewer hoses is better is flawed. There are other more important considerations.
If you want specific suggestions on how you might configure your gear to be more streamlined, feel free to pm me.
Hey Soggy, quite a few (most) divers are quite happy with recreational scuba gear and while DIR is smooth, makes sense and is streamlined it doesn't mean that other configurations are not, nor any less safe in non technical applications.
Saying his premise that fewer hoses is better is flawed is a narrow view. If you want I can arrange next time you are around to dive an Islander with air xs and hoseless computer unit, I think you would be surprised how streamlined and nice diving it is. For no deco recreational diving it is a safe configuration.
As you know I've taken GUE Cave and teach NTEC and while I appreciate the Hog configuration on simple recreational dives I dive convential gear.