There seems to be a commun wisdom in the diving community that we should avoid risk because it will kill you.
We die anyways, and when we are dead, we do not know what we lost. Quality of life does matter.
However, we should think of our loved ones, too. And that gives us motivation to keep safe.
Singles without parents and friends are free to do whatever they like.
But then again, the society spent money on you (school),
and now you're dead and you let the society down.
Hence, it's not all that easy.
Just live, OK?
Diving should be fun and safe.
Yes, mostly.
However, the perfection of risk is a very personal thing.
Perception. True.
Some dive solo even at 50 years old plus (what about the risk of heart attack)
I am 51 and I dive solo sometimes. Does anyone really think that a dive buddy would save one, if one would suffer a major heart attack submerged and 300 feet from the shore? Forget it. A minor health condition would be survivable though. It would be advisable to do sports though, so that S.C.U.B.A. diving would be a lighter form of excercise for one and the risk would be less.
- show me a case where a diver has suffered a life threatening medical condition underwater, and the buddy was able to do rescue.
Some rec divers have the same routine diving 39 meters or 12 meters while for others below 15 meters is too dangerous.
That's why freediving is recommended. At least 25m is achievable with dive kit. Having breathed oxygen (be it 21% or more) at elevated pressures only makes free ascent easier: there is more oxygen in the blood and the removal of CO2 is facilitated by the expanding gas in ones lungs.
It is not only a matter of experience and training. It is a matter of perception rooted in ourselves from our life experience, personal fears, comfort under water, personality, scientific knowledge…
I can tell you that this "our life experience, personal fears" part got me into a really really really bad place some 10 years ago, and the memory of that still haunts me.
For example some consider that diving on air is dangerous below 30 meters given the gas density and the CO2 retention.
It really depends on the environment. In Y-40 it's not all that bad.
Air below 30mts (I mean at 40...50m) in an underwater maze can be deadly, as one can get confused and lost. Add some current, and it's even worse.
In an easier environment though, even 50mts can be doable... but not much more.
I have been to ~50m on air and I do know the hardship that ensues.
Mistaking absolute and undeniable risk if that exists
it does: boring life
with perception of what absolute truth is…
which definition of truth?
This does not mean that we should disregard the risks. It’s just a bit more complicated than that.
Isn't a risk something unpleasant that COULD happen, but is not given?
Hence, death is not a risk, it is a destiny. A boring life, or shame, or regret, are risks.