A Mares Abyss 22 (especially if you can find a Mares Abyss 22 Navy - cold water version) is a great performer at recreational dive depths. Mares has developed this regulator for over 35 years, and it was about 13 years old when they got involved (see Voit/Swimaster/AMF MR12 for a comprehensive history). This has been one of my favorite single hose regulators over the years, as they are bulletproof reliable and easy to work on / have serviced. Find a LDS who carries the brand and see if you can dive one before you purchase, you'll be impressed with the regulator, and hopefully there will be a good package deal available from Mares/LDS.
I have used and serviced the MR22 Abyss since it came out in its different variants, it doesn't come even close in performance and reliability to offerings from SP, Atomic and others. Not even in the same league. The only good and reliable regulator made was the MR12 Navy, nothing else but this is a mid-range regulator in performance.