If I rent an airplane, I damn sure am going to pre-flight it! That's my responsibility as the PIC. True, the owning FBO or dive shop has a responsibility to keep stuff up to par, but they're not the ones betting their life on it. Make sure the wings and struts aren't loose (or corroded - that killed a friend), that the control surfaces move freely (and in the coordinated manner they're supposed to), check the oil level. Dip the wing tanks to make sure the amount of fuel you expect to be there is. Check the contents of the fuel tank and ensure there's no water or debris. Check the wheels and tires and brakes on visual walkaround. The pilot/diver is the last and best check and bears ultimate responsibility... At least for the obvious stuff. Not saying dig through all the maintenance logs to ensure all the ADs have been complied with. Maybe I ask to see the evidence of the last annual and/or 100 hour. It's easy to check a rental dive tank for current hydro, current visual inspection (hopefully from a reputable inspector - and in a high-use operation like an active dive shop that is NOT an annual VIP. That should be at least a quarter-yearly inspection), that the valve turns freely and cuts off like it's supposed to. That there's an o-ring present if it's a yoke valve and it's in good shape, that it's reasonably clean and free of external corrosion or damage. To just put all of that on the owner and sling it on and jump in because maintenance is somebody else's responsibility is negligence in and of itself.
They did teach to check the O2 contents of your own nitrox tank before every dive and not just rely on the provider because it's his job, right?