Regular film developing at AKR?

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Hi - hoping someone will know this detail about AKR:

Do they develop regular 35mm film? Their website says they do "E6 processing" which I think is for slides?

Or - is there a place on the island that does develop regular 35mm film? I'm assuming a 1 hour place is probably too much to hope for :D

Thanks to anyone who can help - we leave in 3 weeks - can't wait!!!!!!!!
I just returned from AKR on the 22nd of this month. They do develop 35mm film. I believe its a 24hr turnaround time. hope this helps

Thanks so much! I was worried that we would take tons of pictures with our new underwater camera but would have no way to know if the pictures were any good, or where we could improve since we're new to u/w photography.

Hey - since you just returned can I ask you a couple more random questions?

1. Do they give you bottled water on the dive boats or on the resort?

2. Did you have any trouble drinking regular tap water?

3. Is the restuarant truly casual - shorts and tshirts ok?

4. How bad were the no-see-ums and skeeters?

5. Any trouble finding the AKR represetative at the airport?

6. Did you venture into town at all?

Thanks for your help :dance:
There is bottled water available, but the tap water was fine. Its well water but its been treated so we had no problems with it.

It is truly casual Tshirts and shorts are just fine

I didn't have any problems with the no see ums. I used Sawyers 100% deet and my wife used cactus juice. I only had two bites the entire week.

You should see the AKR rep as soon as you enter the airport. He was waiting with a sign. Its a small airport so you won't miss him.

I didn't go into town(to busy diving lol), the wife went into town shopping, ask at the front desk. some of the guys who drive the water taxi also drive taxi's . they charged her 35 dollars for a 5 hour trip shopping and a tour of the island. The fare just to the WestEnd should be 3 dollars.

Hope this helps
I would make sure they do 35mm PRINT film not just E6 slide.
Every place I have dived has been E6 only, they say the cost of print paper is expensive.
Drop them a E asking

There are two opeartions in the town of Coxen Hole that do color print film. At least there were a few months ago.

These color c-46 processors were installed a few years ago, and now it looks like anyone and everyone is going digital anyway. The signs of progress. AKR might run it over for you.

E6 is indeed color slide film, commonly called Ektachrome (under the Kodak Brand). Ciolor slides are a snap to process, unlike the complicated c46 film & print type.

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