So you go out and do a two tank dive and you 'need' your pony for the first deep dive. Then, the second dive is a 20ft shallow reef dive. Are you telling me that you're going take the pony on that second dive?! Embarrassing...
Depth doesn't determine whether I sling a bottle, the pony is for my buddy. If he/she can't get to the surface in 20fsw w/o a octo/pony, I'm probably not diving with that person anyway. A free ascent from 20fsw would be a practice drill for me oh-hum. When I dive with divers trained in buddy breathing I leave the pony in my car. With buddy breathing a octo or a pony becomes non-essential gear.
I'm thinking about teaching my dive buddies that are untrained in buddy breathing the skill so we can all leave the BS octo and ponies home when we dive together!