Just got the reg back from service, it's an old Aqualung Conshelf XII. First dive with it, it seems great, but seems to breathe wet. As in, on my cert. dives and with the gear I rented a few times (scubapro on the cert, oceanic rented) the air was always very dry. I had been told that condensation on the inside of the reg could happen with my reg, becuase the case is brass or something like that. Makes sense. I was diving in a spring, so I have no way of knowing if the moisture that I found did exist in the air Iw as breathing came from that or from a leak somewhere. I don't know how there could be a leak....I don't know how to test for one or anything. I just really don't want to get into the ocean with this thing and find out the moisture I was breathing came from a leak or something, which I would quickly notice with all the saltwater! Any way to tell if the moisture is from a leak or not? Anyway to stop such a leak if there were one?