Reddish Brown tint on pictures in underwater mode?

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Bridgeport, Ohio
# of dives
200 - 499
I have a DC 1200 and when I set it to the underwater- diving mode I have a very extreme case of a reddish brown tint too all the pictures I take? I even tried taking pictures in the Land mode with the same dark red brown tint thing happening. Anyone else having this issue or does anyone have any fixes for this. I understand there is the initial red tint to bring the reds back into the picture at depth but the whole picture is red and dark.
I have a DC 1200 and when I set it to the underwater- diving mode I have a very extreme case of a reddish brown tint too all the pictures I take? I even tried taking pictures in the Land mode with the same dark red brown tint thing happening. Anyone else having this issue or does anyone have any fixes for this. I understand there is the initial red tint to bring the reds back into the picture at depth but the whole picture is red and dark.
You might consider posting a few pics.....
I would but they were all on my old computer that just puked on me....:(. Next time I'm diving I'll take some and post them. The thing that is weird is my friend has the DC1000 and in the same conditions his pictures turn out fine with no tint?
I would but they were all on my old computer that just puked on me....:(. Next time I'm diving I'll take some and post them. The thing that is weird is my friend has the DC1000 and in the same conditions his pictures turn out fine with no tint?
All computers die. Never trust one to save anything. External Hard Drives are cheap. So anyway, if it happens in Land Mode, can you recreate the problem and post pics?

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