Red Flags

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GDI Diver
ScubaBoard Supporter
Reaction score
Zephyrhills Fl.
# of dives
500 - 999
I was bored and thats a bad thing, my mind does crazy things when I'm bored.
I'm sitting here thinking of things that people do that send up Red Flags when you meet them. Some of them are.
Pieces of metal sticking out of peoples bodies where metal don't belong.
Tatoo on your face
Someone that tell you there whole lifes story in the first 2 minutes of meeting them.
Someone that wears cloths 10 sizes to big.
Someone that wear cloths 10 sizes to small.
Someone that doesn't use deoderant.
(god I'm bored)
Anyone out like to add to my list. It will give me something to read.
To me it's an over abundant use of profanity.
You are attempting to tell them something (important or not) and they ignore you in mid-paragraph.
Wearing of religious or nationalistic sybols.
I was bored and thats a bad thing, my mind does crazy things when I'm bored.
I'm sitting here thinking of things that people do that send up Red Flags when you meet them. Some of them are.
Pieces of metal sticking out of peoples bodies where metal don't belong.
Tatoo on your face
Someone that tell you there whole lifes story in the first 2 minutes of meeting them.
Someone that wears cloths 10 sizes to big.
Someone that wear cloths 10 sizes to small.
Someone that doesn't use deoderant.
(god I'm bored)
Anyone out like to add to my list. It will give me something to read.

Fred - give an example of places metal shouldnt be :)

-One of my big red-flags is glossy eyes and an inability to focus.
-Unable to look at me when they talk, but at the ground. If its noisy or there are distractions I dont mind.. I'm a person who tries to stay aware of whats around them and do the same sort of stuff.
-Someone who is easily frustrated with simple tasks
--someone who uses the word "dude" more than once per sentence
("dude, the crab doesn't want to let go of my toe, dude")

--anyone who has less teeth than me

--soemone whose significant other has less teeth than me

--anyone who brings a dive bag the size and density of a safe on board a dive boat

--anyone who wears anything with zebra stripes

--anyone who starts a sentence with "you know" or "like"
('you know, he had to... you know... hurl," or ,"like, was that the sign for out of air you kept giving me?")

--anyone who combines "you know," "like," and "dude" in a sentece: "like, dude, can i, you know, borrow your mask to go look for mine?"
People that wear so much perfume that you can smell them the next room away.
People that think they are "Experts" at everything.
"Fred - give an example of places metal shouldnt be :)"

I would say someone with a nose ring so big you can run a rope through it and take the back to the barn. Or some many eye studs there you not sure if it's there eye brow and a mustache. :eyebrow:

You Know That kinda stuff DUDE ;)
People that put other poeple down because they do not:
Pack or Gear up
Like you........ OK...Lets see what this stirs up. :eyebrow:

Mine is the vulgar language repeated over and over.
Oh good.. means my peircings are safe from scruitiny!

Oh.. I thought of one on the drive home from work.. another of those red flaggers-

-People who drive $40000-100000 off road vehicles all tricked out and they never see anything but pavement, nor do they even understand how to properly control the vehicle!
-Ladies who have the rear view mirror down into the makeup position, are applying make up and talking on the cell phone at the same time.

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