recommendations for places with good dive masters

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Hi All,
I am looking for places to dive where you have had good experience with a dive master. I dive solo and would like to know that someone is looking out for me.
Thanks for the advice
I am a single lady and travel alone and find it very hard to find an adequate dive buddy so I often drive with the DM. Often the groups will be new and use their air up so the DM and I have plenty left to continue on our own. I am not comforatable diving alone so I try to buddy with someone of my skill level as very new divers will tend to completely depend on you and will tend to bump me or get in my way when I am taking pictures. Nothing against new divers as we all went through learning B control.
"As for looking out for me". I think I understand what you mean contrary to some of the answers you received. I think giving an idea of where you plan to dive would help answer your question a little better too. You also might want to join some of the single trips offered. There is still room on the Utila trip.
Regards, Valerie
I know a few Tracey. What general areas are you looking at? I wonder if you have problems similiar to mine in getting as much wet time as you want. I don't mind diving with buddies if we can work out a dive plan that both of us will enjoy (I love photo work). I have met a lot of great people that way. But if there are only jerks aboard to choose from...I'll go solo or stay top side. And I'm not "single" husband just doesn't dive with me and I don't duck hunt with him ;~)
Hi Tracy,
I just got back from Anthony's Key in Roatan Honduras. There was always a divemaster on every dive. This is a wonderful, wonderful place to dive!!!! I love it so much that I'm going back in November.

You should join us.

Liquid Fit:
Hi Tracy,
I just got back from Anthony's Key in Roatan Honduras.

I have heard about this place. I've met someone who lives down there. The stories I have heard are wonderful. Please tell us more about your dive there.

I'm not into writing trip reports, but I'll describe my week there.

Our group met at Miami airport for the hour and a half flight down to Roatan. We all had green tags on our luggage that identified it as going to Anthony's Key Resort. Our flight was with TACA airlines. This is my fourth time flying with them and it has been problem free.

We were met at the airport by the AKR staff. They totally took care of our luggage and loaded it onto the van. We were taken to the resort in an air-conditioned van. Once we arrived, we went to the main lounge for a refreshing rum punch drink and orientation. Since this was my third time at AKR, I was paying more attention to my rum punch. We are given our room assignment.

Now to get to your room, you take a very short water taxi ride over to the key. I always have chosen a room that is on the ocean side. My room was quite spacious and we had a community deck that we shared with three other rooms. We chose the non air-conditioned rooms. We just opened all of the windows and got a wonderful breeze going through the room. We also had two ceiling fans running.

Important word of warning. When in Roatan, you must use bug spray. This means EVERY time you go out and after EVERY dive. If you don't, you will get eaten alive by the noseeums. I didn't have any problems at all, but I was very, very careful about applying the bug spray.

Food, the food at AKR is top notch!!!! Our group had our won table that we sat at each meal. We were attentively taken care of by our wonderful waiter, Edmondson

Diving, At AKR, you can do three boat dives a day, plus 2 night dives during the week. There is unlimited shore diving from the Key. I passed on the shore diving and the night dives. We were assigned our own boat with the most wonderful divemaster, Lobo. I was diving nitrox for the entire week. The cost for the week was $75. Most of the dive sites are a very short ride from the dock. Most are no more than 10 minutes. Water temp was running a delightful 82 degrees. Diving for the most part is very easy. This time the water was a wee bit choppy but not enough to cancel any dives. Most of the dives are cruising along a wall then finishing off the dive going over the reef. The thing that impressed me on this trip, was the large number of huge groupers that would affectionally .follow us during the dive.

The cost for the week was $895 plus a 16% tax. This is high season rates. We are taking our 4th trip to AKR this November, during low season rates. The cost is an unbelievable $675 plus 16% tax. I still have a few spots open. Drop me a line if you’re interested.


Liquid Fit:
Hi Tracy,
I just got back from Anthony's Key in Roatan Honduras. There was always a divemaster on every dive. This is a wonderful, wonderful place to dive!!!! I love it so much that I'm going back in November.

You should join us.


Thanks for the invite Carolyn. I have actually been leaning toward Roatan so thanks for the recommendation.
Roatan is so very beautiful. There are other resorts, but my personal preference is AKR. I did one week at CoCo View. While it is also very nice, I think that AKR has so much more to offer. I did take a look at Fantasy Island. It impressed me as a very upscale hotel that just happens to have a diving center.

Right Carolyn, I have heard plenty about the sand fleas. Have bug spray, will travel :)

The invite is very tempting and I just may take you up on it if you have a spot for a "not single" old woman alone. Well, maybe I'm not all THAT old.

"Mama" Deba
The sacasim in this little group of yours is so unappealing. CLearly I needed to more more specific for some of you. Thankful there is at least one reasonable person out there that resonded appropriately. Thanks Jim for the great recommendation. The rest of you need to get a life.

ignore the comments from certain people on here, as new divers and as a new member you soon find out who answer questions from experaince while others answer will sacasticly

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