After a beautiful pau hana sunset I am bursting with a very funny tale that may end up legend. Because of Charlie’s excellent post I’m waiting until page 6 to make this possibly legendary post.
Before the silliness, I can attest that divers this winter were turned down for open Prodiver seats because they did not have enough experience (I lost commissions on two occasions). Another fact is that often the experience claimed in a phone conversation does not mach up with actual ability. And finally, some days you can only hold out so long, especially during non-peak season. That experienced couple booked for Wednesday may need the inexperienced couple to not get canceled. Enough of that, on with the story.
Picture if you will, a Maui beach rental / activity sales guy, hourly plus commission. Snorkel sets and umbrellas are not why most people work that kind of job. Tours and Maui Jim’s, that’s the honey.
I’m seeing one of those guys, talking to a tourist about a dive tour. Now another tourist ambles up to join the dive conversation, introducing himself as a diver looking for a buddy. Before long the two tourists are agreeing to meet tomorrow for a dive.
Next day, tourist #2 show up to find out tourist #1 left because the sales guy claimed the conditions weren’t good. Then the sales guy asked tourist #2 if he would like to go on a dive tour. I’m sure there was no sarcasm in that offer
It’s classic. He just got you back dude, get over it.