recommend a public pool to test a new BCD

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Pittsburgh PA
# of dives
200 - 499
Will be back in the Seattle area next week before heading off on 8 day liveaboard to Komodo. I was thinking of buying a new BCD while I was back in the states and visiting relatives. Since I will literally be hopping straight out to Bali after this and won't have time to test it out in Hong Kong where I currently work/reside, I wanted to find a pool around Seattle/ Everett where I could get a quick test dive in to get used to a new BCD (switching from vest to backflotation). Would like to try it before starting off on this liveaboard. I'd go for an ocean dive around Puget Sound but lately I've become a cold water wuss and don't own a drysuit...

Is my best bet to ask around the LDS's? Just worried as likely the BCD will be mailordered... :11:

Of course I could be sneaky b@stard and find a shop that sells the same brand and if they have the same model, maybe ask them to let me demo it in the pool. But I wouldn't feel comfortable doing that... unless maybe they can match the online price and I buy it locally (more than happy to support a local PNW lds!)... Anyone know a good LDS that might be able to match some of the Zeagle online BCD prices?
for what it's worth, underwater sports is having a diver's fair and ScottZeagle will be there representing Zeagle stuff, prices will be lower than what they usually sell at the shop. The diver's fair runs from the 29th to 31st.

Also, underwater sports has this disclaimer: "Underwater Sports understands the importance of being price competitive in today's market... which is why we are reaffirming our commitment to attempt to match or beat the pricing of any qualified source. Simply email us, or bring in, any quote from a manufacturers authorized dealer and Underwater Sports will make every effort to offer you a competitive price on the same, or similar, items." Print out scubatoy's prices of zeagle stuff and have them match it if you want to buy from a LDS (they wont accept Leisure pro, since it isn't authorized to my knowledge).

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