So I'm having trouble with a situation with my wife. We are going to Puerto Rico next week for her birthday. When I originally planned the trip, she expressed interest in a discover scuba class. I was very excited about the idea, because it's an activity that I would like us both to do. She said she wanted me to join her for this dive and I wanted to get some other dives in myself. After calling around to a few dive shops, I found one that would meet both of our needs. I will go out and do a shore dive while she is getting her classroom brief and shallow water exercises. I will then come back in and join her and the DM for her dive at a shallow site.
As I tell her I am getting ready to call the shop to book the dives, she begins to tell me she has some doubts and that she is nervous about it. She seriously is on the fence, she really wants to do it but she is afraid. I have explained to her that the last thing I want is for her to feel like I am pressuring her into this, because that's just a recipe for a bad time. I want her to make this decision. She keeps asking for more info and what to expect, but at this point I feel like I have told her about everything I can. I can't explain it anymore, outside of her actually diving.
I really don't know what to do here. Any advice is appreciated.