Just want to share my experience with complications after diving, because it was so extremely similar to yours.
I am a highly experienced self-taught amaterur freediver, living in Egypt most of the year. With regard to equalization I have never had any problems whatsoever, since I can fully control the muscles that open the eustachian tubes. I suffered multiple ear infections when I was a kid, but in the last 20 years my ears have been trouble free.
I never dive deeper than 20 meters, since I dislike the feeling of pressure on my chest.
About 2 weeks ago I did some simple freediving, just like I have done hundreds of times before. This usually means diving to 12-15 meters, staying down there for maybe a minute or so watching the corals and fish, and then resurfacing. There were no complications during the dive, and I keep my eustachian tubes continuously open during the entire dive, so problems related to equalization can be ruled out for sure.
After going down 4 times I was getting cold and decided to warm up on the beach. When I got onto the beach I had a sensation of fullness in my left ear. I tried to shake my head to get out the water that I suspected was causing this, but it didn't work out. Nevertheless, I gave up and decided to lay down on the beach to work on my suntan. After maybe a minute, the fullness feeling was accompanied by very loud tinnitus in the ear. It was loud for maybe 10 minutes and then gradually decreasing to moderate loudness. I noticed my hearing was bad in the upper frequencies, but I was not until I left the beach and walked home that I realized how bad the hearing really was. Upper frequencies were totally gone, and at the same time my ear seemed overly sensitive to certain high-frequency sounds, such as whistling, crashing porcelain and utensils together, crumbling of some plastic bags...
The same night I read this thread on scubaboard, but felt hesitant to start a stearoid treatement due to possible side effects. So I decided to wait a day and see if the condition improved. But the next day, the condition was no better, and I decided to do more freediving since I had no other problem or pain in my ear. The dive went fine, but the condition didn't change.
The second day after the onset of the problem, I went to see a doctor. I also explained that I read about steroid treatment on the web for a condition identical to mine. But he didn't like the idea of my symptoms being due to some "mild inner ear barotrauma". Instead he suggested that maybe something was causing pressure on my auditory nerve,
He gave me medications that would improve the blood circulation in the ear region: betahistine and vincamine. I also got a corticosteriod nasal spray.
I took the meds, but there was no improvement of the condition.
On day 4, he suggested to try hyperbaric oxygen treatment, which meant breating pure oxygen in a high pressure tank for two hours. The doc was kind enough to give me this treatment for free, since my insurance turned out to be invalid.
On day 5 there was still no improvement, the doc suggested there was not much more we could to, so I should continue with the medications.
On day 6 there was some imrovement in the upper frequency hearing, but I was still highly sensitive to some sounds. In fact, the oversensitivity was much more annoying than the loss of hearing, starting from day 1.
From day 7 to day 16 there was a very slow gradual improvement of the condition. Whether due to the meds, oxygen treatment, or self healing I cannot know. Noticable during this time was the sensation of itching, almost like small drops of fluid in my inner ear. And on one day there was a strange sound and feeling almost like I had worms crawling around in there. There were also many attacks of (increased) tinnitus during this time.
My hearing is now (day 16) almost completely restored (subjective 98% good) and the over-sensitivity is gone. I'm hoping to be 100% restored, but even like it is now is very acceptable and does not cause any problems on a normal day.
I'm very curious what the correct diagnosis to this problem is. IEBT? Nerve problem? Some small leak of fluid from the inner ear? Spontaneous bleeding in the ear region? Who knows...