Hey instructors!
I was given some advice yesterday by another DM who said he heard that PADI would mark you down if you use a tech style bcd for the IE.
If he's still a DM, how would he know?
I have been diving a bp/w for the past 7 years (but i also Dived a jacket style for 7 years prior). The reasoning sounds valid (you want to look like the padi videos). I love my system/setup but considering using a loaner rig for the test.

Dear god, why would you want to look like them

I did my I.E in a Zeagle Brigade, without hindrance.
Granted my system is a weight harness and not a belt so i know I would need to use a weight belt for the testing.
That's a good idea. While weight pockets and weight harnesses satisfy requirements, I think a weight belt demo is a good idea. However you don't need to have all the weight on your belt.
Thoughts? Anything else i need to consider changing for the IE?
I.E stands for IT'S EASY
Good luck