Pretty much my thoughts. It’s a cool name and makes the business seem prestigious. But I think it could have a negative effect on business. Obviously I dive gue and a gue style ccr so I would be typically be a natural client for them. But the wording of the site and all the “research” and “expedition” stuff makes it feel like am I really the client they want when all I really need is a couple ccr and bailout tanks?It does look weirld and not like a dive shop. However, I have noticed that some of the more upmarket shops are now promoting their trips as 'expeditions' or 'projects' rather than just group trips or dive packages.
I contacted a place that was looking for cave divers for some 'project' on fb. It turned out to be a dive shop selling (very pricey) dive packages (fills, boat, etc.). What they were really looking for was customers.
Don't know if that's what they're doing but it sounds alot like stuff I've been seeing.
I think you're going to see this more and more.
When you click on 'Exploration' it show the Windjammer and some reef. AFAIK the Windjammer has been dived on plenty over many years.
I really liked mr g when we met and he was great to work with. He would normally be my first choice as a shop and I wouldn’t have probably posted this question. But when I found his site and started reading, that’s what made me actually come here to ask about other places. I will still reach out to him but I’m actually leaning towards trying tds this time around.