The whole point of manual, mechanical rebreathers is to work without electronics and the problems that came with their use in marine environment. An OC regulator doesn't breath for you either. Nor do they supply gas from empty tanks.
Aquapilot was introduced a few years back. An automatic bouyancy control system preventing fast ascent, maintaining target depths, preventing plunging past MOD, by using electro pneumatic valves. All integrated into a gas integrated deco computer (yep, it does the stops for you, too) and usable with most any BCD. According to a dive mag test it actually works, too. From what I gather it wasn't very successful ... . Just because it's possible doesn't mean people will embrace it.
Another company suggests implanting microchips that can log dive profiles, c-card info,
integration with a device like the Aquapilot to prevent diving past training limits, even medical history for emergencies and banking info for dive shops ... .
Not for me, that much I tell ya.
"Soon" the day will be there, we will get O2 form H2O ...
You may be laughing, Johnny, but some Israeli outfit has been fiddling with that.
Somewhere there ought to be a thread or two about an article describing it.
The problem is that the amount of O2 in H2O is small and that unit needs to use up
a lot of water volume to generate the amount of O2 needed by the diver ... if memory serves me right the water is sucked in one end, depleted of O2 and H2 expelled on the other. Due to said high volume, there were plenty of 'rpcket man' and 'human torpedo' jokes in that thread, and one of the Aussies did the math for immense volume.
The other problem there, as well as with forced ventilation, is the needed power supply. There are limits in size, weight and of course price. Who wants a 50 - 70 lbs rebreather and haul a 50 lbs battery around?
Also, complexity and additional failure points would be added.
Last but not least, it reminds me of one of my favorite post, by 'bubbleboy':
I reckon if I bolt enough sh!t to my Inspiration I end up with a Newtsuit.
By the way, Nuytten's
Exosuit is a 1 ata hardsuit with a 48 hr O2 rebreather, good for 100 or 200 meters without any deco. Tried the arm at DEMA last year, range of motion is amazing. Prelim price estimate for the 100 m version was $100 K.