Between five and ten litres difference depending on the rig.
A Meg, for example, which would be the same as a Liberty or Hammerhead, has about 8 litres of "non-floodable" free volume in the can (depending on which can and which scrubber). The rEvo has zero "non-floodable" internal volume.
I'm a real fan of gag straps on any rig. Learned on the LAR-V back in the Stone Age with one and then to the FGT-1D. Feel naked without one.
John, we are talking at cross purposes. You said, in response to my post, that the flooding of the scrubbers on a rEvo would make a great deal of difference compared with merely a fully deflated lung, which was my original point. I say it would not because only, at most, one extra litre of gas volume would be lost. In other words, in terms of buoyancy, a flooded rEvo and an empty one are much the same.That statement is true so the flooding issue is not relevant. But we are talking of a rEvo where the gag strap is not in use.
I am not saying that a Meg or whatever will have to flood in order to lose buoyancy, I am saying that if you take a full breath from it and then exhale that breath outside the unit, the lungs are now empty and and buoyancy of the unit will be lost just the same. The unfloodable volume is not unbreathable volume is it?
So what happens to you on your unit on the surface depends on the detail of your incident. Let's say you become hypoxic, pass out and lose your DSV. If you happen to lose it after exhaling into the unit then great, you probably won't lose all of the buoyancy of the lungs, at least not quickly. If you happen to take a full breath from the unit and lose the DSV, then when you breath out to atmosphere you are no better off than on the deflated rEvo. No flooding necessary, empty unit either way.
A rEvo with a gag strap or your unit with a gag strap, now that is a different story. Much more secure, we agree on that.
The point I am trying hard to make is that OTS units are no guarantee of retaining lung volume on the surface and there is no substitue for being sufficiently buoyant by other means.