Professional DMs often make very poor buddies in these circumstances. If you are responsible for a large group your ability to help the buddy is reduced. Some "non-US" diving operations are at safety standards below what we should expect locally. I've seen several CF dives in Cabo San Lucas that started with the dive operation loading more divers than the boat could handle, unsupervised small children on the boat, currents, overhead boat traffic, etc., etc.
While a lot of people think nothing of going some place on vacation and going full out on an activity like diving, this can be a poor idea with poorly kept-up equipment, overloaded DMs who are effectively solo divers, sub-par boat operations, and other issues. Diving in these places suggests going as part of a team with a consensus on limits and procedures. Having part of the gear takes some of the uncertainty out but you are stuck on rental Al 80s in these environments. Check for current hydro's and visual inspections.
Find some more experienced, solid dive buddies and work on a few basic skills with them. Have a dive where the plan is for someone to call an out of air (at 30 ft. with good viz and no current) and then an air share and ascent.