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So they have their own personal floatation devices...LOL...do they inflate into a raft?
I haven't gotten the nerve up to ask one to let me use her as a raft yet. :) I just don't think I could sit in a pressurized tube for a couple of hours eating wings and be such proximity to those nice girls. The mood might not be so pleasant after a while. :)
ask them about body painting next time...oh wait that may get you the quick flight right out the door.
He He He, on the chartered flight home from annual training at Ft. McCoy, WI. Our pilot (who was a Reserve Navy pilot) and copilot, (former Air Force) decided to perform a carrier style takeoff. We sat at the end of the runway while they ran the engines up to full power with the brakes on. The released the brakes and we shot down the runway, as soon as we lifted off, it seemed like we went nearly straight up! I don't recall if this was a 737 or what, but we got a kick out of it!

This was also pre 9-11.
Dave in PA:
He He He, on the chartered flight home from annual training at Ft. McCoy, WI. Our pilot (who was a Reserve Navy pilot) and copilot, (former Air Force) decided to perform a carrier style takeoff. We sat at the end of the runway while they ran the engines up to full power with the brakes on. The released the brakes and we shot down the runway, as soon as we lifted off, it seemed like we went nearly straight up! I don't recall if this was a 737 or what, but we got a kick out of it!

This was also pre 9-11.
What airport did you takeoff from? Depending on local noise abatement and weight, we do this as normal procedure. For instance, that is a normal takeoff from Orange County in CA. You be amazed, it feels like you're very steep, but I doubt you were more than 20 to 30 deg pitch up. Airliners, at weight, don't do so hot above that.
Here is a site with a lot of funny stuff. Look at the "Captain Speaking" Audio, post 9-11, and for a PAINFUL laugh, listen to MECHANIC!
I had been working on the island of "Dutch Harbor", Alaska for several 6 month tenures. On one of my trips back to the lower 48, we sat at the end of the runway, on a 2 prop airplane. (the ones in which you can see the pilot,)

Well... the pilot turned around and looked at us. (A total of about 8 construction workers... with no stewardess.) and said

"As you can tell, since I'm not wearing some cute little dress, I am NOT your stewardess... and in the unlikely event of a water landing, don't even think about using your seat cushion as a floatation device, because in these waters... you wont last more than 15 minutes! Have a nice flight!" :11:


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