At what point does DIR become a means to an end, or a frame of reference, as opposed to an end in itself?
i think only you can answer this for yourself (and she can only answer for
herself). to be fair, it's a trick question. DIR is a holistic system. its end
is itself. the system IS the most important thing or it doesn't work. this is basically the bottom line for any holistic system, whether in diving, kung f.u., zen, christianity, islam, the American two-party system, marriage, etc.
(it's funny, when people accuse DIR of being a cult, they don't really
understand the much deeper connection between all holistic systems,
nor do they equate their own ideologies in day to day life with the same
thing .... for example, their willingness to obey the holistic system that
is the American traffic system (red light, stop sign, yellow line, etc.)
and when they get tickets, they could have been driving perfectly safely,
but somehow did not obey the holistic system, and were fined, because
it's THE SYSTEM THAT COUNTS. oh well, digression)
when i came onboard DIR, i pretty much knew i'd have to get off at some point,
that i wasn't going "all the way," just because of my diving, personality, etc.,
but in the meantime, i knew i could lear a heck of a lot
i wish to avoid the argument: waht is better, living together or marriage?
same thing here... what is better, DIR or more informal dive systems?