About how much, on average does a 2 tank dive from a boat cost in Cozumel? I know dive ops vary but as a general guideline, what kind of range am I looking at? I heard its pretty affordable down there.
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$60-70 for one day, $50-60 for multi-day.funkyspelunker:About how much, on average does a 2 tank dive from a boat cost in Cozumel? I know dive ops vary but as a general guideline, what kind of range am I looking at? I heard its pretty affordable down there.
What dive ops was cheaper ? The one you don't recommend?Danni:I have found prices even cheaper than that, but I didn't like the operations offering those prices. Many have junky, slow boats and divemasters who are not very good. I like boats that have some kind of sun shade and many of the cheaper ones are open with no shade and no good place to store a camera. I particularly like Aqua Safari who offers two tanks in the morning for $60 on their fast boat, plus an optional third afternoon dive, usually at Paradise Reef or Villa Blanca for only $9 more.
BomberoDiver:What dive ops was cheaper ? The one you don't recommend?
Check out "Dive with Martin" Website is divewithmartin.comfunkyspelunker:About how much, on average does a 2 tank dive from a boat cost in Cozumel? I know dive ops vary but as a general guideline, what kind of range am I looking at? I heard its pretty affordable down there.