How can the bank or visa or mastercard the clearing houses for the transaction NOT have the address and bank routing number and account name and number to find this person???????? It is odd that they have had to pay the money into a account but don't have the information?
Now calmness . . . . :zen:
He did not say that. That information can be released under proper request (subpeona).
The first step in these things is for the individual and the firm to work it out. They have 10 days to do so.
Many banks offer "immediate" fund replacement until resolution. It is not "replacement", it is a (fee or no-fee) loan until your money is returned.
In this case, given that the ceramics industry is small and not given to these issues (like electronics / computers), it is more likely that someone misread a card number over the phone and the firm is going "oh, :turd:" as much as poor Ghost.Diver.
Still, in today's environment (ID Theft is the largest and fastest-growing consumer crime.