Ranger LTD Front / Rear Weight Distribution

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San Diego, CA
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0 - 24
I just bought a Ranger LTD today - and it looks like a great product. I'm 6'4, and it was the only BC that actually fit me and didn't sit halfway down my back.

I have a quick question:

What is a good starting point for the ratio of front / rear weight distribution on the Ranger LTD? I have a boat trip this weekend and am looking for a good starting point.

I just finished my advanced open water cert. I dive in southern california, with a full 7m suit and vest, and usaully use about 28 pounds of weight, which I',m slowly reducing....

Thanks for any advice!!!:D
I don't dive cold or with a wetsuit, but typically I do a 4:3 or 4:2 ratio. Depending on the conditions and what tank I'm using. For an AL-80 4:3 was about right, last summer I used a steel 95 and it seemed all wrong. Can't remember what I changed though. I'm 6'3"+ and I like how vertical I float at the surface.
60-40 front to back seems to be where most are. It might not be exact but it should get you close.
You might also have to move the trim pouches to the upper band to get trimmed out. If so just move them up and run the handle through the velcro. Several posts on this here as well.
I do 1/3 each front pocket then split the remaining 1/3 into the rear pockets. Dive steel tanks pretty much exclusive with my Ranger
Thanks for the info - I really appreciate it! I'm using an AL-80, so I think will first try a 60-40 setup. I realize that I will have to play around with it to get it perfect. I wish I had a pool.......


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