Yes, but how do you know 12 meters is 2.2 ATA? You obviously know that 10 meters is 2 ATA, 20 meters is 3 ATA-- like 33 feet & 66 feet imperial.
You don't know what 37 feet is, just like you don't know what 17 meters is-- unless you do calculations or actually have these figures memorized.
I think I now follow you--
So, 12 meter is 2.2 ATA because you know that 10 meters is 2 ATA then just add the .2.--= 2.2 ATA.
With 17 meters, 10 meters is 2 ATA then just add the .7. -- = 2.7 ATA.
Am I correct? If so, I see how it's easier than imperial.