Quick ascent

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Hi all
I’m diving in a remote part of the Philippines
Yesterday I was diving and was at about 10 metres, and dropped my balloon line and filled the balloon
Then I noticed it got stuck between rocks when I inflated it
So I went from 10 metres to 18 to loosen it, I grabbed the handle and shot up to about 9 metres
I was exhaling from my reggae, bubbles everywhere…
Afterwards I felt something in my lungs, like they expanded a bit ( the same feeling you get if you go for a run and haven’t gone in a while)
Now I feel possibly heart palpitations or a strange sensation there

I have no pain, dizziness, just a bit of an uncomfortable sensation to be honest
I’m remote do getting checked up could be a big deal but I have Dan insurance

Any advice, the five was 14 hours ago now
Make that call, and don't hesitate!
I've forgot to exhale during a rapid ascent myself. I felt some extra stretch in the chest and a little uncomfortableness for a day or so. However, you should probably call DAN.
Hi all
I’m diving in a remote part of the Philippines
Yesterday I was diving and was at about 10 metres, and dropped my balloon line and filled the balloon
Then I noticed it got stuck between rocks when I inflated it
So I went from 10 metres to 18 to loosen it, I grabbed the handle and shot up to about 9 metres
I was exhaling from my reggae, bubbles everywhere…
Afterwards I felt something in my lungs, like they expanded a bit ( the same feeling you get if you go for a run and haven’t gone in a while)
Now I feel possibly heart palpitations or a strange sensation there

I have no pain, dizziness, just a bit of an uncomfortable sensation to be honest
I’m remote do getting checked up could be a big deal but I have Dan insurance

Any advice, the five was 14 hours ago now
A little late to the game here, but... first, no more diving for the time being. The new-onset heart palpitations are a bit concerning in the setting of possible lung injury. I would lean toward evacuation, if you haven't already done so.

Best regards,
Just wanted to thank everyone for the advice here
Long story short, I ended up in a chamber and hospitalised for a night, no diving for 6 months
I have the gold DAN insurance, but I must say the experience with them was horrible, from start to finish

here is the long version
I had a diving incident in the Philippines near puerto galera
Basically was at 10 metres, my baloon got stuck at 18 metres, so i went down to free it, and i shot up to 8 metres, luckily i was breathing out
Started the contact with DAN and it seemed quick, they had a doctor call me telling me I need urgent tests, a CT Scan to start with
Then i got an email from DAN, and they told me to call my travel insurance to let them handle it.
I told them they don’t support dive incidents and that’s why I paid for Dan gold package. After this,I had no idea where to go for the doctors tests I asked where do I go for them, and they had no idea, no recommended hospitals or anything
I had to search around for a hospital ready to make these tests
The initial hospital chosen was closed for reforms, so without DANs help, I looked for an alternative, so I asked the hotel owner which hospital is able to treat such injuries, he suggested a hospital in Manila, I called Dan and confirmed I would go there, I confirmed this with the hotel owner and group of people listening.
4 hours journey, I arrive, doctors worried to start tests, and Dan tell me they never approved this hospital (even though they did on loudspeaker) and still 3 hours later they have not approved the tests
Only when I sent an email to the CEO, was there some movement, and they approved the initial tests

I have received offensive emails from some staff there and am still laying here in the hospital without care, the last one stated :we cannot replace the "emergency services".
I got another email saying I didnt follow directions, and if they really went over their recorded conversations they would see I did follow the directions they gave me, it was their staff that were sending conflicting emails
An absolute disgrace
I got the chamber, and various tests, and the next day the doctor said I was ok to leave the hospital at 11am

I then went through a period of waiting until 5pm for DAN to approve the payment of the treatment and hospital stay
I must have sent nearly 30 emails to them, and I must say their support is terrible
I am not sure it is because their level of English was poor, or what, but they were offensive and really the last type of response you would need when you are in a critical state
luckily for me, I was able to email, but I was thinking that if i was in a worse state, what would have happened, Dan seems to delay things to avoid any treatment costs, which is extremely worrying for me

again thanks for everyone that gave me advice to get treatment, and I feel better than i did for sure
Be careful with insurance companies and choosing which one, I have no idea if they are all the same, or if DAN is just poor, but they really only added to the stress I was experiencing during this period
Just wanted to thank everyone for the advice here
Long story short, I ended up in a chamber and hospitalised for a night, no diving for 6 months
I have the gold DAN insurance, but I must say the experience with them was horrible, from start to finish

here is the long version
I had a diving incident in the Philippines near puerto galera
Basically was at 10 metres, my baloon got stuck at 18 metres, so i went down to free it, and i shot up to 8 metres, luckily i was breathing out
Started the contact with DAN and it seemed quick, they had a doctor call me telling me I need urgent tests, a CT Scan to start with
Then i got an email from DAN, and they told me to call my travel insurance to let them handle it.
I told them they don’t support dive incidents and that’s why I paid for Dan gold package. After this,I had no idea where to go for the doctors tests I asked where do I go for them, and they had no idea, no recommended hospitals or anything
I had to search around for a hospital ready to make these tests
The initial hospital chosen was closed for reforms, so without DANs help, I looked for an alternative, so I asked the hotel owner which hospital is able to treat such injuries, he suggested a hospital in Manila, I called Dan and confirmed I would go there, I confirmed this with the hotel owner and group of people listening.
4 hours journey, I arrive, doctors worried to start tests, and Dan tell me they never approved this hospital (even though they did on loudspeaker) and still 3 hours later they have not approved the tests
Only when I sent an email to the CEO, was there some movement, and they approved the initial tests

I have received offensive emails from some staff there and am still laying here in the hospital without care, the last one stated :we cannot replace the "emergency services".
I got another email saying I didnt follow directions, and if they really went over their recorded conversations they would see I did follow the directions they gave me, it was their staff that were sending conflicting emails
An absolute disgrace
I got the chamber, and various tests, and the next day the doctor said I was ok to leave the hospital at 11am

I then went through a period of waiting until 5pm for DAN to approve the payment of the treatment and hospital stay
I must have sent nearly 30 emails to them, and I must say their support is terrible
I am not sure it is because their level of English was poor, or what, but they were offensive and really the last type of response you would need when you are in a critical state
luckily for me, I was able to email, but I was thinking that if i was in a worse state, what would have happened, Dan seems to delay things to avoid any treatment costs, which is extremely worrying for me

again thanks for everyone that gave me advice to get treatment, and I feel better than i did for sure
Be careful with insurance companies and choosing which one, I have no idea if they are all the same, or if DAN is just poor, but they really only added to the stress I was experiencing during this period
I'm very glad you got treatment and am sorry to hear about your experience with DAN. It sounds like you were a great advocate for yourself.

What were you diagnosed with at the hospital? Did your CT show anything?

Best regards,

Pretty discouraging experience.
I am sorry that you had this experience with DAN and the hospital staff in the hospital. I have had numerous dealings (all overseas trips) with DAN in the 90's and it was always top notch. I work in health Care in the US and am familiar with health Care in the Philippines and other small nations. Their priority with foreign patients is to make sure they get paid. Their staff is pounded with that priority, and they will lose their jobs, thus they act like jerks. I have been in situations where the DAN name was not even recognized but I had the credit card the knowledge that DAN would reimburse me when I get home. I have only dealt with DAN USA so no language barrier there.

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