Jim Malone
I have been reading this forum for quit some time now. The reason is that quit frankly i need the information for my own survival and others i might dive with.
A few strange things happen when someone posts about an accident.
Things like:
a) "Things like this are going to ruin the diving industry and screw with people who dive safely"
b) He was a dumbass diving under those conditions, with that gear
I find this really odd:
A) diving underwater is diving in a lethal enviroment. As lethal as outer space. Diving seems safe to most people but without this mechanical equipment we die when something goes wrong.
Ok the equipment is good, very good, but Murphy is always around.
Why would this "ruin" the diving industry and screw with people who dive safely?
IMHO opinion everyone in the diving industry knows diving is a sport that can have lethal consequences. Why would the death of someone screw with people who dive safely? If the people who engage in diving know they participate in a possible lethal sport why would their death "screw"other people over?
Flying is engaging in an activity in an equally lethal enviroment. Nobody has banned flying, or stopped people from flying, or learning to fly.
B) making the victim a secondary victim again by mocking his actions, training or equipment on this forum has no real value at all.
The victim is dead, or seriously injured, and he/she or his family has no need to be victimized again in hindsight by people (us) who probably all been in similar situations themselve but survived and learned from it.
Anyone who has NEVER done ANYTHING during a dive that in hindsight was potentially dangerous should step up now and claim his prize.
I might have saved my buddy from a possible lethal incident two weeks ago, because it grabbed him trying to slow him down when he had a blow-up on his first dive with his new drysuit.
He dragged me to the surface as well but luckely for me i was able to dump all my air and my huge body created so much drag trying to keep him down our ascend speed never reached above the maximum permissable ascend rate.
Was it stupid to dive with a new drysuit without spending hours in the pool?
Was it stupid to grab him and act like a sea anker trying to slow him down?
Was it stupid his drysuit specialty instructor forgot to explain him that he had to open his valve fully before ascending!!!
but we both survived, and learned a lesson.
That is IMHO the purpose of this forum, (sadly) learning from the mistakes of others, so we don't have to make them.
But imho we should refrain ourselves from posting any posts that could be offensive of hurtfull for the diver itself or his next of kin. It serves no purpose at all. It will only make their suffering bigger especially when they visit these forums trying to find answers for their own suffering.
I think it's better that this forum should be almost a clinical enviroment, like a coroner or police report, stating known facts, without drawing any moral conclussions.
just my 2 cents
A few strange things happen when someone posts about an accident.
Things like:
a) "Things like this are going to ruin the diving industry and screw with people who dive safely"
b) He was a dumbass diving under those conditions, with that gear
I find this really odd:
A) diving underwater is diving in a lethal enviroment. As lethal as outer space. Diving seems safe to most people but without this mechanical equipment we die when something goes wrong.
Ok the equipment is good, very good, but Murphy is always around.
Why would this "ruin" the diving industry and screw with people who dive safely?
IMHO opinion everyone in the diving industry knows diving is a sport that can have lethal consequences. Why would the death of someone screw with people who dive safely? If the people who engage in diving know they participate in a possible lethal sport why would their death "screw"other people over?
Flying is engaging in an activity in an equally lethal enviroment. Nobody has banned flying, or stopped people from flying, or learning to fly.
B) making the victim a secondary victim again by mocking his actions, training or equipment on this forum has no real value at all.
The victim is dead, or seriously injured, and he/she or his family has no need to be victimized again in hindsight by people (us) who probably all been in similar situations themselve but survived and learned from it.
Anyone who has NEVER done ANYTHING during a dive that in hindsight was potentially dangerous should step up now and claim his prize.
I might have saved my buddy from a possible lethal incident two weeks ago, because it grabbed him trying to slow him down when he had a blow-up on his first dive with his new drysuit.
He dragged me to the surface as well but luckely for me i was able to dump all my air and my huge body created so much drag trying to keep him down our ascend speed never reached above the maximum permissable ascend rate.
Was it stupid to dive with a new drysuit without spending hours in the pool?
Was it stupid to grab him and act like a sea anker trying to slow him down?
Was it stupid his drysuit specialty instructor forgot to explain him that he had to open his valve fully before ascending!!!
but we both survived, and learned a lesson.
That is IMHO the purpose of this forum, (sadly) learning from the mistakes of others, so we don't have to make them.
But imho we should refrain ourselves from posting any posts that could be offensive of hurtfull for the diver itself or his next of kin. It serves no purpose at all. It will only make their suffering bigger especially when they visit these forums trying to find answers for their own suffering.
I think it's better that this forum should be almost a clinical enviroment, like a coroner or police report, stating known facts, without drawing any moral conclussions.
just my 2 cents