Questions regarding this forum, and nearby accident

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Jim Malone

Reaction score
Putten van Ekeren Belgium, Europe
# of dives
200 - 499
I have been reading this forum for quit some time now. The reason is that quit frankly i need the information for my own survival and others i might dive with.

A few strange things happen when someone posts about an accident.

Things like:

a) "Things like this are going to ruin the diving industry and screw with people who dive safely"
b) He was a dumbass diving under those conditions, with that gear

I find this really odd:

A) diving underwater is diving in a lethal enviroment. As lethal as outer space. Diving seems safe to most people but without this mechanical equipment we die when something goes wrong.
Ok the equipment is good, very good, but Murphy is always around.

Why would this "ruin" the diving industry and screw with people who dive safely?
IMHO opinion everyone in the diving industry knows diving is a sport that can have lethal consequences. Why would the death of someone screw with people who dive safely? If the people who engage in diving know they participate in a possible lethal sport why would their death "screw"other people over?

Flying is engaging in an activity in an equally lethal enviroment. Nobody has banned flying, or stopped people from flying, or learning to fly.

B) making the victim a secondary victim again by mocking his actions, training or equipment on this forum has no real value at all.

The victim is dead, or seriously injured, and he/she or his family has no need to be victimized again in hindsight by people (us) who probably all been in similar situations themselve but survived and learned from it.

Anyone who has NEVER done ANYTHING during a dive that in hindsight was potentially dangerous should step up now and claim his prize.

I might have saved my buddy from a possible lethal incident two weeks ago, because it grabbed him trying to slow him down when he had a blow-up on his first dive with his new drysuit.

He dragged me to the surface as well but luckely for me i was able to dump all my air and my huge body created so much drag trying to keep him down our ascend speed never reached above the maximum permissable ascend rate.

Was it stupid to dive with a new drysuit without spending hours in the pool?
Was it stupid to grab him and act like a sea anker trying to slow him down?
Was it stupid his drysuit specialty instructor forgot to explain him that he had to open his valve fully before ascending!!!

but we both survived, and learned a lesson.

That is IMHO the purpose of this forum, (sadly) learning from the mistakes of others, so we don't have to make them.

But imho we should refrain ourselves from posting any posts that could be offensive of hurtfull for the diver itself or his next of kin. It serves no purpose at all. It will only make their suffering bigger especially when they visit these forums trying to find answers for their own suffering.

I think it's better that this forum should be almost a clinical enviroment, like a coroner or police report, stating known facts, without drawing any moral conclussions.

just my 2 cents
That is IMHO the purpose of this forum, (sadly) learning from the mistakes of others, so we don't have to make them.

But imho we should refrain ourselves from posting any posts that could be offensive of hurtfull for the diver itself or his next of kin. It serves no purpose at all. It will only make their suffering bigger especially when they visit these forums trying to find answers for their own suffering.

I think it's better that this forum should be almost a clinical enviroment, like a coroner or police report, stating known facts, without drawing any moral conclussions.

While I agree that it's good to try to avoid increasing the pain and suffering of the victims and/or family, it's often most helpful to others to openly and objectively discuss the possible failures of the individuals involved.

Discussing individual responsibility can be done tactfully and respectfully with just a little bit of effort. :)

Dave C
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yes, he took a drysuit specialty but used the instructor drysuit ( his size was no longer in stock). Strangely the "instructor" asked him not to touch the valves because he had a tough time "adjusting the valves to his preference"!
The valves function was explained in theory only.
The instructor is only a OWSI for 2 months, and he bought the drysuit as a graduation present for himself. He has very limited drysuit experience himself, and didn't allow my buddy to adjust the valves.
I have very serious question regarding this instructor!
I have been helping this instructor as a divemaster for 3 dives now and every time we had in my opinion an emergency!

-First was a student that got a severe laryngospasm while doing a emergency ascend drill. I saw her panic and followed her to the surface. She turned purple so i towed her to the shore where her breathing got normal after a few minutes. The instructor stayed with the other students underwater and asked me later what happend. I explained
that i saw an instinctive drowning response and that she was in serious trouble. The instructor doubted this because she had not lost her bowel functions! I didn't bother to discuss this with him in the presence of other students.

-The second time we had a student that had severe problems with his bouyancy. I was diving with 2 other divemasters , the instructor and the student and we saw the student "jo jo" between 0 and 21 feet. At one moment we saw the student falling upside down, on his back and crashing head first on the bottom. We all looked at each other and i asked "is he ok?????" and "What are you doing" to the instructor". He later explained that interfering each time with the student didn't help in the learning curve, and the possibility of a lung barotrauma in 21 feet was "low"

-The third time i helped him as DM for a first night dive with 2 O.W. who wanted to get their AOW
The briefing was a mess. The plan was that there would be 2 buddy pairs and the instructor. Me and my buddy (who is also a DM) would go first, while the 2 OW would follow us with the instructor. We would stay close in a pack and within visual contact, divetime 45'
After getting into the water i lost my leadpocket, and while trying to retrieve the pocket i saw the two OW's shoot under me and take off into the night. I signaled to the instructor and he took off behind them. We retrieved my pocket and waited on the surface. NO sign of the instructor, nor the 2 OW's. After 15 minutes we got out of the water and got onto the shore trying to search the surface of the water with our searchlights. I asked my buddy to note down the time
After 10 minutes we saw some faint lights about 400 meter from our position shining downwards and staying in one position. The lights stayed on the same position for 10 minutes like someone was searching something. Then the lights were gone. After 45 minutes without contact i called the emergency services and retrieved my oxygen kit from my car.
7 cars from the fire departement, including the diveteam responded. 2 ambulances, one Delta ( EMS doctor with 2 EMS nurses) and 3 cop cars came to the resque. I gave a briefing to the commander and the man deployed his diveteam. He said he was very pleased i called soon because i told them they probably still had 15 minutes of air left. At that moment the other divers surfaced! One of them said " they are not here for us, right?".
Then the instructor surfaced...
I explained to the fire chief everything was ok.
The Instructor who is Dutch then tried to sell dive training to the fire department divers!
I told him that as a full time dive unit in one of the largest ports of Europe they didn't need any specialties.

I was thanked by the fire department for my smart thinking and they all got back in their trucks and took off.

When everything cooled down i asked what had happend.
The instructor told me that when he saw the two OW's depart and beeing aware of my weightloss he followed them. I guessed that i would either find my weights and continue to dive, or would quit.
He continued to swim behind the 2 OW who had no idea something was going on. They were under the impression that they were free to dive where they wanted and they didn't even notice the instructor.
Then the female OW got entangled in seaweed so the instructor watched her from the surface for 10 minutes laughing and trying to free herself from the seaweed.
He said he noticed us scanning the surface of the dive site with lights and said he shouted "it's OK" from 400 meters away before diving below.
After surfacing he was supprised to see so many lights on the parking site.

He asked us to keep the 3 incidents quit from PADI because it would make him in "bad standing".
He now is training 5 divemasters to escort him. 1 DM per pair of students and 1 divemaster as his buddy.
He is under the impression that all 5 will help him for free every time he has students.......
He asked us to keep the 3 incidents quit from PADI because it would make him in "bad standing".

There are so very many things to comment on here, that I don't even know where to start.

By the way, your actions and willingness to call for help are to be commended.

Without commenting on any other part of this, I think the 3 incidents you described not only should be reported to PADI, but as a PADI DM, you are required to report them.

When you signed your PADI Memebership Agreement, you agreed to :

I will file a PADI Incident Report Form with PADI for any incident relating to my activities
as a PADI Member of which I may become aware that may have or potentially may have harmed myself or another individual.

For me, if I should die while diving I would expect that people figure out why. If my death was a result of me doing something stupid, I also expect that the readers of this forum say so, if for nothing else but to serve as a warning to the new diver that may be thinking of doing something along the same lines.

My death would truly be wasted if no one learned something from it.
I understand and share in some of your frustration when reading these threads, but with an accident analysis and discussion there can be lessons learned even though the truth of the accident itself may never be known. Family and friends are directed away from this forum to Passings where this type of speculation is not allowed.

If people would read the introductions to the forums, readers would know the difference between the two forums and choose accordingly.

Why would this "ruin" the diving industry and screw with people who dive safely?
IMHO opinion everyone in the diving industry knows diving is a sport that can have lethal consequences. Why would the death of someone screw with people who dive safely? If the people who engage in diving know they participate in a possible lethal sport why would their death "screw"other people over?

Flying is engaging in an activity in an equally lethal enviroment. Nobody has banned flying, or stopped people from flying, or learning to fly.

Actually you answered your own question. With a federal bureaucracy like the FAA to control diving, this expensive hobby would become much more expensive and restrictive. Just apply all the rules, regulations, fees and licensing governing pilots and flying to divers and diving.

B) making the victim a secondary victim again by mocking his actions, training or equipment on this forum has no real value at all.

If there is mocking, the report key is at hand. I have seen these discussions get out of hand and the moderators have unforced the rules. However, his actions, training or equipment may well be the reasons for the accident and should be discussed for others to learn.

The victim is dead, or seriously injured, and he/she or his family has no need to be victimized again in hindsight by people (us) who probably all been in similar situations themselves but survived and learned from it.

Anyone who has NEVER done ANYTHING during a dive that in hindsight was potentially dangerous should step up now and claim his prize.

That is IMHO the purpose of this forum, (sadly) learning from the mistakes of others, so we don't have to make them.

But imho we should refrain ourselves from posting any posts that could be offensive of hurtfull for the diver itself or his next of kin. It serves no purpose at all. It will only make their suffering bigger especially when they visit these forums trying to find answers for their own suffering.

I guess this sums up the basic conflict, how can you honestly discuss an accident without upsetting the diver involved or his next of kin. Quite possibly it can not be done. In my experience, someone will get upset over much less than what we are discussing.

I think it's better that this forum should be almost a clinical enviroment, like a coroner or police report, stating known facts, without drawing any moral conclussions.

Since most accidents have few facts known and any lessons that may be learned come from speculation on why the accident happened from the facts known when the poster gives his thoughts. Some SB members are quite clinical and helpfull, others not so much, but this is a internet fourum not a police report.

If posters are stating moral conclusions about the victim use the report button. If you are drawing a moral conclusion from the posts, that is on you.

Glad to see your incident turned out fine for all.

I may be old, but I’m not dead yet.

"the future is uncertain and the end is always near"
Jim Morrison
You are right, i have to report these cases to PADI.

I came to the conclussion that i am doing nobody a favor by with holding these facts.

Could this be used against me for not reporting immediatly?

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