All divers had to fill in paperwork with their details (home address, next of kin and so on) including highest certification and number of logged dives. On the basis of those two pieces of data plus any additional conversations comments or observations, the staff decided on which boat to send a diver, a buddy pair or a group.My head is now all mixed up. The staff made a judgement based not on the voluntary optional display of a log book, but on their evaluation of cert cards presented?
Once the divers were allocated to the boats the owner decided which Instructors and DMs to send on each boat. The decision was made by estimating the divers skills, needs, possible problems and which instructors and or guides would be best prepared to go on each boat. In a resort location there are also language and cultural issues to be taken into account as well.And then, based on that, the company decided which or how many appropriate instructors or DM's were needed? How did they make that decision?
"America and Britain are separated by a common language... and a great big ocean, thank Christ." ~ Oscar WildeAnd not to be a internet spelling corrector, but here's a fun fact to know and tell: If you use the word nitrox, it isn't capitalized.![]()
I fear that many dive ops might use card presentation as a shield from liability more than anything else.
Why do you fear it? It's simple prophylaxis!