Question Re: Tipping DM's

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Diver Dennis:
Did you mention this to the manager? Wow, I'd be a little upset too.

Yes--he gave us coupons for a good discount on our next visit.
Yes--he gave us coupons for a good discount on our next visit.

Now I am sure you would like to have the same waitress, no? I'd be pretty pissed about that as well. Lots of people tip x amount for food and if they have ordered expensive wines and things a different amount for that. I think that is ok. Especially if someone orders a couple bottles of expensive wine.
I tip the crew each day, why wait until the end of the trip. Why not let them know you appreciate them for a day's job well done. After so many years of diving in Cozumel these people are my friends. I always bring them gifts. And gee whiz, the Cozumelenos are so nice.

And I tip the taxi drivers. You can't assume they are all trying to cheat you. My husband lost his wallet in a taxi. We received a call from the Taxi company and all the money and credit cards were there.

I tip the maid and the wait staff. Especially in Mexico. The price of living goes up faster than the rate of pay. In this way I am sure the money goes to the people and not the government.

It makes me angry when people think 'This is Mexico, so I can be cheap' or 'Nobody tips me so why should I tip them' or 'They get paid so I don't have to tip'. Put a human face on these people, they have the same wants and needs as you. Christi's right, they have families, dreams, desires too. Why not spread a bit of happiness around whether it be money or kindness.

okay enough ranting...
Yep, I'm with the majority here. I've never figured it as 5$ a tank, but 10$ per trip has been my gold standard. We all know that DMs especially aren't doing it for the career potential, it's a lifestyle thing usually - and they really need and deserve the tips (unless you have a real issue with something they did - or didn't - do)
Mike Newman:
Yep, I'm with the majority here. I've never figured it as 5$ a tank, but 10$ per trip has been my gold standard. We all know that DMs especially aren't doing it for the career potential, it's a lifestyle thing usually - and they really need and deserve the tips (unless you have a real issue with something they did - or didn't - do)

So, $10 per trip for the DM. What about the crew and captain?
Let me jump in on the choice between tipping per day and tipping per trip. I was always a tip per trip kind of guy, giving a big chunk at the end, but I stopped doing that for a couple of reasons.

One is that I had a number of occasions when I had a couple of different DM's, and I was never sure who would get what that way. I have had DM's with the same company give me wildly different experiences. On one trip, I had one DM one day who gave us a spectacular dive at a site I have been to several times before, never seeing its full potential until then. The next day, another DM (same company) led us on Palancar Caves and treated it like a wall dive, and he followed that by taking us against the current on Las Palmas.

The main reason, though, comes when I have the same DM on different days. As has been noted, there are too many non-tippers, and I want the DM to know from the first day on that if I am on the boat and he does even a reasonable job, he will be tipped.
:blush: Whoops! My bad. Sorry Missdirected, it was Giggi's who posted that their groups kicks in $20pp for FIVE DAYS of diving.

hmmm...maybe it was just the LAST trip that I noticed this. We had the worst divemaster ever last year. The whole group complained about him the entire trip and some even refused to go back with our local LDS if this bozo was hired again. Hubby and I are still newbie enough that we follow everyone else's lead on tipping.
Hubby and I are still newbie enough that we follow everyone else's lead on tipping.

And even that can be dangerous. We were on a liveaboard in Australia and I asked two Australians on the trip how much to tip the crew. Both looked askance, and said disgustedly, "We don't tip anything here." So I didn't, and I've felt bad about it ever since.

One question is why, in Coz and about everywhere else, the dive crew isn't paid enough in base salary to make the tip truly a reward for excellent service (and we've had that in virtually every dive trip there), rather than being an expectation that is a critical part of overall compensation. I can't see the cost difference in paying a $65 fee and automatically throwing in a $10 tip, versus just being charged a $75 fee.

The same question might be asked about self-employed (as opposed to employee) massage therapists. After all, you're not tipping your doctor, or lawyer, or CPA, or auto mechanic, or...etc. At least, I'm not. :)
I'm with you. If you figure where the money goes, most ends up as little blip on the balance sheet for an oil company, airline or cruise line holding company.

Tips are great because you know exactly where the money's going: right into the pocket of the guy who took you diving or drove the boat.

I'm happy, they're happy, everybody is happy. What could be better?


It makes me angry when people think 'This is Mexico, so I can be cheap' or 'Nobody tips me so why should I tip them' or 'They get paid so I don't have to tip'. Put a human face on these people, they have the same wants and needs as you. Christi's right, they have families, dreams, desires too. Why not spread a bit of happiness around whether it be money or kindness.

okay enough ranting...

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