Question for DC1000 users

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Reaction score
big rapids, mi
# of dives
200 - 499
I am doing a little bit of research before I purchase a DC1000 camera. One of the reviews that I read seemed to indicate that it wasn't possible to switch from "photo" to "video" while the camera is in it's housing. (The review wasn't very clear so maybe I misinterpreted it.)
I do like to snap some pictures, switch to video & shoot a couple of clips, then snap some more pictures; all in the same dive. Is this possible while the camera is still in the housing?
I have the DC 1000. I have had no issues switching from video to photo and back while under on a dive. There is a method to doing this, ( a series of button pushes. For an entry level set up I enjoy mine. I choice in buying this set up was confirmed when diving in Coz, my buddy had a multi thousand $$ ikelite set up and an expensive camera... after 2 dives, his housing flooded, operator error, and mine worked like a champ. My suggestion is to by a kit with the flash/strobe included. I did not and am kicking myself... oh well it's only money..
You can in fact switch in and out of the two modes. Here is how it's done:

In UW mode, press the second button down 4 times (Not counting the zoom switch. Button is marked something like this: I0I, or the middle button.) When it's in the right mode, you will see the video icon in the top left of the screen. Then when you press the shutter button it will begin recording. Press it again to stop recording. Press that middle button again and you are back to regular photo mode.
You got me thinking, so here is a follow-on question. At least on my camera, when I follow the above procedure and maybe only after having been on land mode and switched to UW or maybe switched off and then switched from land mode to UW, the default white balance setting is Blue Water >25 feet in the video mode. Testing it on land it's obvious since the screen is red from the filter. UW you can't see the red of course.

1) Are others experiencing the same thing and if so, can this (the default setting) be changed to the desired default? How if so?
2) Will Auto work well or do you recommend using the setting that you would apply to still photos based on the color and depth of the water you are diving in?

I always use the strobe flash so I don't mess with the WB for still photos. I have only rarely tried shooting video but recently got interested in it. Last time I tried I had followed the above procedures and ended up with a very red video, at the time not understanding why, and while shooting UW you can't see the red (I now realize there is an icon on the screen which tells you WB mode). I was shore diving in MA in less than 25 fsw.
I had a similar experience in that my land mode was defaulting to a >25 white balance setting. I manually set the WB while in the land mode which solved that problem and I have never had to repeat the WB manual setting while switching back and forth between land and sea. I keep the underwater setting at >25 feet and the results for video clips with no external lighting have been pretty good . . search for my videos on YouTube under user "TheAppleCorps" for examples or click on
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