Question and Answer (a game)

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Yeah, in AOW class, he was asking me everything. Come to find out, he hadn't dove any since his OW class.

Ever feel bad about not buying things at your LDS?
Yeah, in AOW class, he was asking me everything. Come to find out, he hadn't dove any since his OW class.

Ever feel bad about not buying things at your LDS?

Yep, I only did it once though.....and I was still going through the initial Open Water class when I did. I felt really bad and my feelings were justified as, my LDS has given me nothing but smokin deals on Anything I have bought there.

In addition to that, he has become a very close friend. Funny how things work out...............
Not really, my LDS only has a small retail operation and understands it can't provide a big selection/choice. Often it would recommend bigger retail outlets to customers if it can't provide something, so the diver is satisfied and not stuck with gear that really doesn't suit them.

Whats the most expensive piece of equipment you own?
hmm my dive computer I s'pose

If you had to lose either a thumb or an ear, which would you choose?
An ear, I can still hear with just one.

If you had to lose an arm or a leg which would it be?
an arm... preferably the left one (I'm right handed).

Ok, still on this morbid topic... If you had to lose your vision or hearing, which would you choose?
You stole my next question. :bash:
I guess my vision, that way I could have a seeing eye dog.

If you had a week to spend one million dollars what would you buy?
Ouch! :bash: back atcha!!!

A week..only a million? I'd pay for plane tickets/hotel rooms/etc in advance- so they can be used after my week is up for vacations. And lots and lots of dive gear :eyebrow: If I had more $, I'd buy real estate in Ca.

Would you ever sue for something like spilling hot coffee on yourself or finding a roach in your food?
Probably not, people today are too sue happy.

What did you want to be when you were a child?
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