Question and Answer (a game)

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A totally awesome, adventurous, funloving, witty, divin mom! Sometimes I think I'm "Da Bomb" too.

There is someone around here that describes himself as Onan the Barbarian. Maybe he could explain that description of himself for the rest of SB.

next person, same question...

A little of all of these. How boring would it be to just have one of these words to describe yourself?

Who was your role model/hero growing up??
My granddad!!

Who would you like to meet first when you died (assuming you do)?
Yeah, all the time.

Define yourself: Geek, Nerd, Dork, Loser, Cool, Totally Cool, Plain, Normal, Awesome, 'Da Bomb, Lame, etc.

Am an amiable, awesome babe :wink:

Do you like U2?
Yes, because this is an oh-so-fun game! :lilbunny:

Dog or cat person?

How often do you trim your nails?
Once a fortnight maybe...Gee who ever notices these little things...

Rock or Jazz?

Favorite Singer??
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