Question and Answer (a game)

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I was 15. My dad hooked me up with him. Really good looking motorcross racer. Fell head over heals in love with him and dated for about 8 months. Tried to get back together with him when my marriage broke up and got burned very very badly. $$$$$ What a waste of time.

well... since people are telling their story, i will too...

(as i said, my first date was when i was 15). we were in 9th grade, and our first
"date" was at the library, to study. but our first "real" date was to go see a movie
together. her dad drove us to the movie. i don't remember what movie we saw =(

we kept going out, and then, at the age of 16, i was able to get my New York's
driving license. you could do it at 16 back then, not sure what the minimum age
is now. anyway, my uncle had a 1968 Ford LTD which he gave me as a present,
with insurance pre-paid for six months, so didn't have to worry about that.

so Joan and I went on our first "real" date on that car, just drove around and felt
so grown up. her parents were terrified, but... they let me drive their daughter
around anyway, though i'm sure they were expecting to hear of a horrible accident
that left us both dead, i'm sure...

we never broke up. I moved to Florida when i was 17, and we sort of just stopped
calling each other after a while...

ok... that's that :wink:
First date was at 16, Danny had the coolest car all I remember was that it was a Cobra(is that a mustang?) I don't know cars. The day of our first date he showed up in a Ford Escort...he had traded his car for it. He was 4 years older, and turned out to be one of those illusive great guys considerate, kind would do anything for. He wanted to spend time with my family, wouldn't let things get carried away between us. What can I say he was great I dumped him.

Next person.............your first date?
Ya know, I've been on the receiving end of that treatment newbie - I was always the "nice guy". And I kept getting screwed because of it. After one of my relationships ended I decided to say screw it and became a man-*****. I had a blast for a few years and ended up falling for someone (now my fiance). Anyway...funny memories that get brought back.

My first about my first college date? My first real date? High school doesn't count :) My fraternity was having a huge bash. I was one of the "bouncers" and having to stay sober. I was bored and having fun picking on the drunk people - always a good time. This fun little freshman said hi to me and we started talking. Spent the whole night bs'ing about this and the end of the night I asked for her phone number. The next day I gave her a call and asked if she wanted to do something, and she turned me down. Said she was busy :) So I tried again later (she told me to...). Turns out she was telling the truth and not just blowing me off. We walked to a well known ice cream place, and then walked along a path following a river with our ice cream. Pretty fun - it ended up being a 2 year relationship.

Now - if you want an EXTREMELY entertaining story, I'll tell you about how my fiance and I got together. That one has had people rolling on the floor in tears many a time :D

And on to the next question - ah hell, I want to hear more first date stories. What's yours?
Ya know, I've been on the receiving end of that treatment newbie - I was always the "nice guy". And I kept getting screwed because of it. After one of my relationships ended I decided to say screw it and became a man-*****. I had a blast for a few years and ended up falling for someone (now my fiance). Anyway...funny memories that get brought back.

My first about my first college date? My first real date? High school doesn't count :) My fraternity was having a huge bash. I was one of the "bouncers" and having to stay sober. I was bored and having fun picking on the drunk people - always a good time. This fun little freshman said hi to me and we started talking. Spent the whole night bs'ing about this and the end of the night I asked for her phone number. The next day I gave her a call and asked if she wanted to do something, and she turned me down. Said she was busy :) So I tried again later (she told me to...). Turns out she was telling the truth and not just blowing me off. We walked to a well known ice cream place, and then walked along a path following a river with our ice cream. Pretty fun - it ended up being a 2 year relationship.

Now - if you want an EXTREMELY entertaining story, I'll tell you about how my fiance and I got together. That one has had people rolling on the floor in tears many a time :D

And on to the next question - ah hell, I want to hear more first date stories. What's yours?

You have to tell us how you and your fiance got together and then someone else can tell their first date.

P.S. good guys do get shafted alot, so do good girls goes.

Before I started diving, I used to play paintball a lot. Had a regular team, played in a couple of tournaments a month, practiced once or twice a week with my team - we were pretty serious about it. So it's winter, and we are in a drought - haven't played for months. So we hear about this indoor paintball field about three hours south of it - a mutual friend told us about it. This friend (Dan) got us all together, about 8 of us, for a trip down there. We all get there and are getting ready to play - my team and I are gearing up, checking batteries, chronying our guns, setting timings on them, etc. One thing about paintball players - most of them carry a HUGE ego. I mean HUGE. So typically when I play paintball with strangers, I usually don't talk to them much. It just causes friction. So I didn't talk to these other people we were playing against. Turns out there was this one girl in the group - Tina. She was watching us get ready, and the only thing she though was "Jeez, what a bunch of arrogant p****ks!". It was her first time playing, and didn't have the ego yet :)

So we played for the day - I ended up bunkering her a few times, the games were fun and it was a great day. She left the field that day thinking I was this huge, egotistical, full of himself ***hole. I was just trying to not get into anyones way!!

So spring comes around, paintball season is in full swing. We meet out on the field again. This time I'm in full tournament gear - jersey, pants, mask, all tricked out and having a blast. She's always talking to me in between games. Now - I can be a huge wimp around girls. I'm dense as hell about hints, and nervous as well. So she is trying to hit on me left and right, and I A) don't realize it and B) kinda wonder if it's happening but dismiss it. So she starts talking to me about my paintball pants and I (not realizing that she's trying to flirt in a way) tell her about how they have great pockets for barrel squeegees and reinforced knees for sliding into bunkers. She eventually walks away and we play paintball all day. This happens a few times over the course of several months. She tries talking to me about paintball something or other, and I don't pick up on things and just go on about paintball....not realizing the undertones of the conversation.

On to the best part. While she was asking me about my painball outfit, I was replying about it. But she was trying to flirt, and I thought she was honestly just interested in my painball gear (DUH!!!). So I'm sitting here telling her about all this stuff....and she starts thinking that...I'm GAY!!! Honest to god. She had pretty much given up on hitting on me at this point, because she thought I was gay. All I was interested in was my paintball clothes and that sort of thing (that's all she asked me about!!!) and apparently I apparently had hand gestures that looked "femmy". Right...what a great start.

So we kind of don't see each other for awhile, which is probably good. She thinks I'm an arrogant gay paintball player. I think she's a cool chick thats cute as all get out and would be a blast to spend time with. But, she'd never go for a guy like me. That's where we stand about the time that I start diving...

I finish up my OW checkouts and start diving with the scuba club. She's there too, diving. We don't really say much too each other. I'm once again fascinated with all the gear (what new diver isn't????) - so once again, all I do is talk about gear and equipment and she still thinks I'm a gay arrogant paintball player that occasionally dives now. Not much of an improvement!!

So this one day, we are all out at our favorite diving spot. It's a beautiful summer day, we're swimming and doing a little snorkeling during our SI's. She's still hinting and I'm not getting it. She asks if I'm going to the dive club meeting that evening. I say sure, what the heck, I was going to join up full time anyway.

On the way home, my friend that I drove with asks me "So, how long til you and her are together?? A couple of weeks tops??" I look at him funny and go "what the heck are you talking about??? She doesn't like me at all - all she does is occasionally ask me about paintball or diving...not much else!".

So there we stand - I think she's some girl thats enjoyable to dive and play paintball with, and she still thinks I'm the gay arrogant paintballer. That dives on occasion.

I go to the club meeting that night, and I'm still dressed in nothing but my sandals, swimsuit and a dive t-shirt. She's dressed like a goddess. She looks beautiful. I am stunned. And I once again go "Wow, she would never go for someone like me". As the meeting was finishing up, she asks me "Hey, I was going to meet my cousin out for a drink or two, want to come along?". I'm thinking to myself that this is a great idea - I get to spend the evening in a beatiful girls company. Not bad at all!! I was feeling kinda lucky to have such a cool chick as a friend of mine.

So we go to the bar and SURPRISE! The cousin doesn't show up!! It was purely fabricated. There was never a cousin coming to show up.

We spend the night talking and bs'ing about how much fun diving is, how much we enjoy this and that. You know, typical fun talk. I was enjoying it a lot, but I kept telling myself "HEY! Don't go thinking the wrong thing here. Just because she is being friendly doesn't mean it's an invitation to go hitting on her, you idiot. Put those hormones down!!". So I did.

Eventually, the talk turns to relationships. I tell her that I had been in a long one, it ended and I was just kinda ought having fun going where the wind blows. She tells me that she is "really wishing she could find a nice guy that would enjoy doing her hobbies with her". Okay - at this point, Mr. Obvious was showing up and wopping me on the head with a giant stick. And did I rise to the occasion? Did I come off all suave and cool and deliver my line? Here's what I come out with: "Well hey, you know, if you just take your time and don't try too hard the right guy will come along.".

And Mr. Obvious just left the building shaking his head, and she goes off to the bathroom. In retrospect, probably to beat her head against the wall.

So she comes back and after a minute or two finally goes something like "I've got something I want to tell you, but I don't know if I should". She eventually says how she has liked me for so long and doesn't know if I do in return and she just wanted to get me alone tonight and....

And there she stopped. I looked at her and couldn't come up with anything to say. What I had kind of secretly been hoping for over the past 8 months was happening. I leaned over and kissed her. We spent the rest of the night holding hands...we left and kissed in the parking lot when we said goodbye.

Over two years later, we own a house together and are going diving together tomorrow. She's my cave diving partner, we go skydiving together and when we get ticked at each other we get out the paintball guns and go settle things. It's turned out to be pretty fun :D

And I do apologize if my version of this story is not as good as I talked it up - she is SOOO much better at telling it than I am - if you are ever up in my part of the country stop by and visit and she would love to tell it to you :D
awww!!! I liked that story!!

my first date was when i was 15 with a girl named Shantay and we went to a club. My parents flipped out at first beacuse she was Black, but i took her home and she was one of the family after five minutes. Now my parents refer to her as "the Fala****"- a name for a girl who is Ethiopian Jewish. we went out to a REALLY ghetto club, and she taught me to dance FOR REAL. You know what i mean. it was fun.... she was a great dancer, and now we still hit the clubs and such (but we dont really date, it kind of melted out our relationship..)

ok here's a HARRRRD one for the older generation, and I want SOMEBODY to answer it.

can you name all the names in the song "Freek-a-Leek" By Petey Pablo in order? Google the lyrics or something.

and if you have anotehr first day story, you are welcome to that too.
lil john
petey pablo
shawna sabrina crystal
lisa falicia tonesha shavon
monica monique christina yolonda
not too familiar with the song but thats what i found online.
btw, i too am a baltimoron
next question: what piece of dive gear are you saving up to buy next?
lil john
petey pablo
shawna sabrina crystal
lisa falicia tonesha shavon
monica monique christina yolonda
not too familiar with the song but thats what i found online.
btw, i too am a baltimoron
next question: what piece of dive gear are you saving up to buy next?

Considering I'm a newbie I'm saving for all the big stuff - you know BC, Reg and computer. I've got everything else. I think BC is next on the list.

Next question:
What did you do on your friday night? I had a blast listening to a band and hanging out with friends!
I fumbled around in complete darkness and had multiple coronaries every time a lizard scampered over me as I lay in my moist, funky smelling bed, wondering if I'll get power back tomorrow. I know it sounds bad, but really ... it was fun!
And my question is...

"Who wants to sleep over?"
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