Question and Answer (a game) part 2

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Yeah, it really does - maybe a slightly "fishier" taste than chicken... But done right, it's quite delicious.

Wouldn't you rather go offshore where the water's deep and clear and there's tons of tropical life?
Sure, I'll make a housing, and we can make my first under ocean video. Thanks for the inspiration. Provided all goes as planned.

Where 'zactly are I goin'? Gotta work out an itinerary.
Beaufort, SC... Just north of Hilton Head, SC... Which is just north of Savannah, GA.

What's the deal with the Grumman Goose in your signature line? Are you into planes?
Sure why not.
What the hell are you guys talking about?
Of course I am.
Whats that have to do with the Tybee bomb?
Just another dive destination. :)

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

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