Question and Answer (a game) part 2

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I wish.

For you drysuit divers - what do you consider to be the ideal air temp for diving dry?
Air temp? I've dove dry when the air was in the 90's. Water still gets cold though.
Whats the coldest you'll dive?
I would dive as cold as water gets without freezing. Not under the ice though.

What's your biggest fear diving?

How about you?
Bikini Atoll
Whats the worst place you have ever dove?
In a power plant at Parris Island, SC (Marine base). Yech!

No, wait... Every time I do a salvage dive and there's fuel in the water.

No, wait... Every body recovery, especially those that have been in the water for a week or more.

No, wait... Retreiving children - regardless of their decomp level - is worse.

No, wait... Having to dive wet this past winter in 37* water because I'd holed the crap out of my drysuit.

Actually, I should be happy - I know some commercial divers who have had to dive in septic tanks. Never had to do that.

Why do commercial divers complain so much? :)
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Apparently because the have to dive in such crappy places.

Who is gonna win the NCAA Tournament?
The team that scores the most.
Whos going to win the Stanley Cup?

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