Question about Blue Grotto

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500 - 999
I was curious about everyones opinion about the way this place is run. I have been there once, and I thought the guy there was very rude, and I dont care to go back any time soon. Did I catch him on a bad day, or is that the norm there?
No, he was rude when we went as well. Don't expect much better customer service at Devil's Den either. I tend to wonder if I am too picky, though, since I studied public relations. Is it too much to expect good customer service (particularly at the prices they are charging!)??
When i went, he was busy working on something in his shed, welding something onto a bobcat type machine. Anyway, he seemed none to quick to come over, so we walked down and checked out the spring. He didnt seem to rude to me, i would say less so than the guy and Paradise and way less so than the people at Devils Den - least grumpy of group of unhappy people who run springs at an extortionate rate in the same area. The dive was so-so, i had a load of fun at Devils Den and i feel so-so about Paradise too - Blue Grotto and Paradise only for training!!

I also think it has something to do with the poorly made videos they keep watching day in day out as well :wink:
Becky is less forgiving than me, seeing as we hit the same locations together :wink:
i used to dive blue grotto , devils den and paradise springs alot when i lived on the west coast, and they used to all be very nice and friendly all the time but that was about 6-7 years ago, i did visit all three of them again a few months ago and it seems like that all changed, for the worse !! all three seem to be in a run-down condition and the staff, well lets just say that they are less than pleased by the attendance of divers. i sure hope they change their attitudes soon, it would really be ashame for them to have to close down due to lack of business !!
That's about par for the course, although it can and has gotten a lot worse.

I agree with what the other people have said, I much prefer the state parks, the dives aren't quite as spectacular, but the people and the surrounding area are much nicer and about 1/3 of the price, not to mention a lack of "OW safe" cavern BS.

I agree with all. Last time I was at Blue Grotto (and it will allways be the last time) there were teeny-boppers jumping off the ledge on top of divers, we all but had to beg our way down the steps because of the drinking/smoking/ party-ing kids. Not opposed to them doing all that, just I paid for 4 divers to dive and feel like I got ripped.
You probably got the people at Blue Grotta on a bad day. Last time I was there, I was alone, no one was diving becuase it was on a Monday, the man tried his best to find me a partner and recommended that I go to Devil's Den becuase he thought there would be more people diving there. I would recommend diving at Devil's Den, but I wouldn't stay there because of the prices. Can't we all just get along?

Peace, Karim1
As far as friendly, Paradise Springs has my vote. Never had anything less than a cheerful greeting there, The other two now...? Not that I was told to get the heck out & not come back, but I wasn't made to feel very welcome, either.
I am surprised to hear that about Paradise...I thought that guy was really nice, and that was probably one of my favorite dives I did the whole week I was down there. The people at Ginnie was nice too. But like someone else said, when I went, he was working in the shed on something, and seemed irritated that he had to come over and collect money from us, and then get more money when I needed my tanks refilled.

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