Question about air2's

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Awap, we agree, train on your gear every time. For clarity, there are a broad number of air integrated inflators, and while it looks like scubapro air2s has had this good feature that enables you to push the deflate button and inflate from the mouth piece for a while, it's also good to know that not all air integrated inflators do. Also, it's worth noting that not all ScubaPro Air2s have a rectangular button.

The point is that gear changes from year to year and not all gear operates the same. So your main point is right on the money- train with the gear you have.

I have the fifteen year old Zeagle Octo +, which was OEM'd from APEKs. Like the newer Zeagle Octo Z, Aeris ION, and a bunch of other air integrated inflators, you cannot inflate by pushing the deflate button and breathing into the mouthpiece. This will deflate your BCD. Instead, you have to flip the air integrated inflator over, breathe into an inflator port BEHIND the deflator button while depressing the deflator button. Then all is well.

So... Good on you divers! Train with the gear you have!
I have used my Zeagle Air 2 for fifteen years. It's been reliable and easy to use. One thing to be sure to do if you choose an Air 2. EVERY dive, remind your buddy how to orally inflate your BCD. If you try to orally inflate an Air2 using the mouth piece, you will wind up deflating the BCD when you most need additional bouyancy.

Just remember to add this to your buddy check every time.

I respectfully disagree. When orally inflating your bcd or wing ( i have placed air 2 on my wings as well ) you press the deflate button cover the exhaust outlet on the bottom of the air 2 with the palm of your hand and blow through the mouth piece. It works very well and does not risk deflating your air bladder The key is the timing of blow and press release the deflate button and take in a breath for the next cycle. I use the Air 2 because i find the buttons easier than the standard inflator
first of all there is no such thing as a necklace rig Air 2 Air 2 is a second stage integrated with a inflator valve some love them some hate them and both sides are going to be very set in their opinion either way. I personally love my Air 2 i like the large piano style buttons that are very easy for me to operate in cold gloved hands. The new Air 2 are now equipped with a balanced 2nd stage and breath very acceptably down to the 136 that I have tested mine. I do run a longer (48 inch) hose on my primary 2nd stage for donating purposes and I do also many times run a 3rd 2nd stage on a necklace as My primary secondary air source depending on which rig I am using. People say that the air 2 is not a good rig for air share. One you must know your equipment and 2 you would never donate a air 2 that is not what it is designed for. You give your primary second and breath your back up rig

AIR 2 has a place it is a very nice comfortable tool for recreational use. Try it you may very well like it , or not that is why there are so many choices out there

The Air 2 does not have a balanced second stage. I just carefully read the Scubapro info on the SP web site and what I found is they claim a "balanced INFLATOR valve". Text from SP site- "Its air balanced power inflator provides smooth and reliable inflation at all tank pressures." Reading farther down they specifically state it has a "classic down stream" design valve.I suspect this is cleaver marketing text to fool the reader who is not paying close attention into believing the reg itself is balanced when in fact it is not.
My wife and I bought ScubaPro AirII setups when we bought our BC's. Now that we switching over to BP&W's she is going to have Atomic's SS1 octo inflator installed because she likes AirII. Whereas, I am not going to have on installed. I am going to go with the safe second on a necklace under my chin because I did not like my AirII at all. The hose was way too short for my liking and the LDS owner was not cooperative in any way when it came to lengthening the hose for me. Part of the reason for a new LDS for me...:wink: I agree with what some of the others have said. If your LDS will let you try both on a dive then by all means try them both. You will then figure out which YOU like the best and go from there. Good luck in your on figuring out what you like better.
My wife and I also dive with Air3s (which I think is the quick disconnect model, no difference otherwise). We also both dive a pony bottle with our octos attached to that. Its a configuration that we like alot. It leaves the octo for sharing (or bail out, duh); main and Air3 as redundants for me. That said, I have no trouble sharing on my Air3 if need be. You're in close proximity, holding each others BCD, and headed up anyway. I like the tidiness that this set up gives me. That said, all my pony and octo gear is yellow, and my other stuff is black so I'm expecting someone to go for that first. If they go for my primary reg, so be it. I've got options. I like having options.

re: balanced thing, I'm pretty sure thats first stage design, not a second stage (ie my pony 1st is un-; my main is Bal). That said, who cares? Its like arguing spare tires - Firestone vs Goodyear. If you need a spare tire, they all do the job for the time you need them.
Some regs are better than others in keeping things tidy. Again, try both...

Caveat to that... switching configuration is not just about 'keeping things tidy'. An Alternate Air Source (AAS) has an important function - namely, to share air when required by an out-of-air (OOA) buddy.

When 'trying' alternatives, remember to 'try them' for their intended purpose - sharing air on ascent. Don't just try them from a 'tidy' perspective - they're not just for decoration.

---------- Post added May 15th, 2013 at 09:07 PM ----------

I respectfully disagree. When orally inflating your bcd or wing ( i have placed air 2 on my wings as well ) you press the deflate button cover the exhaust outlet on the bottom of the air 2 with the palm of your hand and blow through the mouth piece. It works very well and does not risk deflating your air bladder The key is the timing of blow and press release the deflate button and take in a breath for the next cycle.

Hardly sounds like a fool-proof process for two stressed novice divers doing an emergency ascent... :idk:
thank you all for your input. my dive instructor (scuba-daddy) is going to let me try out his rig tomorrow so we'll see what works best for me.
Caveat to that... switching configuration is not just about 'keeping things tidy'. An Alternate Air Source (AAS) has an important function - namely, to share air when required by an out-of-air (OOA) buddy.

When 'trying' alternatives, remember to 'try them' for their intended purpose - sharing air on ascent. Don't just try them from a 'tidy' perspective - they're not just for decoration. ...//...

So true.

Strive for both "fit for use" and "tidy". Keeping your hoses from blooming out all around you is worthwhile, but the ability to counter an OOA diver is critical. Novices attempting to share air usually experience a rapid narrowing of focus down to just getting the next breath away from your buddy. Buoyancy usually goes to hell for both divers.

I like "primary donate" with an Air2. That way you get to keep your buoyancy control (on the Air2) with you at all times. Even better, (while your buddy is totally focussed on not becoming separated from your primary) you can adjust his/her inflation if necessary. -Never very pretty, even with practice...
I respectfully disagree. When orally inflating your bcd or wing ( i have placed air 2 on my wings as well ) you press the deflate button cover the exhaust outlet on the bottom of the air 2 with the palm of your hand and blow through the mouth piece. It works very well and does not risk deflating your air bladder The key is the timing of blow and press release the deflate button and take in a breath for the next cycle. I use the Air 2 because i find the buttons easier than the standard inflator

FYI - You do not have to cover the exhaust outlet on the bottom of the Air2 in order to orally inflate the bcd/wing.

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