Quadra Island B.C

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Reaction score
Westbank b.c (across lake from Kelowna) Canada
# of dives
50 - 99
Just got back from diving Quadra Island last week with divedynamike (Mike Richmond). Awsome guy who really knows his stuff and can draw on a napkin and tell you where to find what you want to go see. Got to see my first wolf eel, really impressive creatures. Great weekend and would love to go do it again soon. In a couple of weeks tho i think Mike is going to wrap it up and only do dive charters a few weeks of the year. :)
when I first read you user name I missed the "s" :rofl3:
Less than 25 dives and you saw a wolf eel? I'm jealous. I didn't see my first pair (and still my only) until I was over 100!
Less than 25 dives and you saw a wolf eel? I'm jealous. I didn't see my first pair (and still my only) until I was over 100!

Thats what my instructor told me who was with me. He said a diver can dive nearly 100 times untill he sees his first wolf eel. So my buddy and I asked Mike where to find them and he draw a map on a napkin to 2 of the places first one we went to had a couple in the den and there was another spot with one other male wolf eel in but i hung around the first area. All the guys just said look around where theres no sea urchins and bingo there they were. :) To rub a little salt in (joke) it was my 6th ocean dive I saw them, I was really impressed.
if you liked Quadra Island, wait till you get to Port Hardy. Then youll see some cool stuff, a couple of weeks ago I hanging by a ledge and within a 5' circle there was two octos, one out in the open, a big ling that went at least 60lbs and a large wolf eel hanging in the middle.
If I had a camera all that action would have been in one picture!

Less than 25 dives and you saw a wolf eel? I'm jealous. I didn't see my first pair (and still my only) until I was over 100!
Ogden Point in Victoria off the breakwater. I gather there a couple of resident Wolfies. I have a picture of one somewhere.
if you liked Quadra Island, wait till you get to Port Hardy. Then youll see some cool stuff, a couple of weeks ago I hanging by a ledge and within a 5' circle there was two octos, one out in the open, a big ling that went at least 60lbs and a large wolf eel hanging in the middle.
If I had a camera all that action would have been in one picture!


I would love to go to port hardy maybe next year sometime, i got to see some old octo dens where no one was home and some ling, but from what im told port hardys quite the place to see.
Nope - he's talking about Dynamike's

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