Yet another "push-the-button-get-a-cert-card" types, I see.
Every so often, we have some neophyte come on this board, complain about how hard their OW class is, then espouse their love of DIR. Hold up!
1) You want to scuba dive, but are put off by being required to swim 6 laps and tread water for 15 minutes? That's plain stupid, my friend. Basic watermanship is an absolute requirement for safe diving. You don't have to be an olympic swimmer, but you damn well better be able to tread water for 15 minutes, or you're going to get killed out there in the ocean.
2) If you don't even have a OW cert yet, you really need to keep your opinions of DIR to yourself, even if they're positive. There simply is no way that you, without even a cert. dive to your name, can understand, appreciate, or expound upon anything involved in those three letters. I suppose I can understand the desire for a newbie to find some "crowd" to "hang with" immediately upon entering a new hobby, but get a freaking life. You and DIR are currently as related as apples and bananas. Why don't you go to GUE to learn DIR? Oh, wait --- you'll complain and walk away because, *gasp* they'll want you to be able to *swim*!
- Warren