Puerto Vallarta Trip Report - Long

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Rick Inman

ScubaBoard Supporter
Scuba Instructor
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Spokane, WA
(After re-reading this post, it sounds kind of like an infomercial for Puerto Vallarta and Pacific Scuba, but hey, that’s how I saw it. So I’ll let it stand.)

Well, I just got back from 11 days in Puerto Vallarta where I made 11 dives in five dive trips. My expectations were low due to the various negative posts about Puerto Vallarta I’d read on Scubaboard. Most of the posts said that PV was not a dive destination and that I should expect low vis, strong currents, few fish and cattle boat dive boats. I personally experienced the opposite.

After reading every post I could online, making phone calls and writing emails, I chose to do my dives with Pacific Scuba (www.pacificscuba.com.mx). What a great decision! Pacific Scuba is a DIVE shop, not a multiple event tour company that includes dive/snorkel/booze-cruse trips. It is also not a load-em-up, get-em-in-and-out, all levels of divers in big groups cattle boat (which I witnessed with both Chicos and Vallarta Adventures). It is a mom&pop style store that caters to DIVERS. They have excellent equipment (although I brought my own), oxygen on board, smaller groups (I never saw more than 3 to one diver/dive master ratio, and most of the time it was 2 to 1), and they adjust dive locations on the fly based on changing conditions. Dive difficulty is adjusted based on diver experience. There were easy shallow dives for new divers; I did a one-on-one wall dive to 100 feet, and another dive with the DM and one other diver (who is a DM and instructor), which included several nice swim-throughs. Safety procedures were adhered to, dive plans and hand signals were reviewed and applied. Lunch was the same old sandwich every day because these guys are all about diving, not lunch. Also, I was able to negotiate an excellent package price before I arrived. The package was for 8 dives but I bought an additional 3 ‘cause I was having so much fun! Great people to dive with! My wife is not a diver and they welcomed her as a passenger.

As to the diving conditions, I am sure that the reason my diving experience was so much better than what I’d read was because I chose to dive during the right time of year. The “high season” (tourist season) is November though May and most of the PV posters dove during this time. This is also the off-season for diving. Water is murky and colder, weather is windy, visibility is low and current up. The dive season in PV is July though mid September. It only took a small amount of research to figure this out, and so my wife and I chose our vacation for July. Now this is pacific coast diving and so the 50 – 75 foot visibility I experienced I consider good. There was very little current (the one time it was an issue, the boat picked us up down current). The water temp was a comfortable 84-86 degrees (the same as the air temp!). There were beautiful soft corrals, colorful tropical reef fish everywhere, huge schools of various fishes (many times, multiple schools of different species) and wonderful rock formations. I saw lots of octopus, hundreds of striped, spotted and green morays, nudibranches, a giant manta ray, a white tip reef shark, turtles, sea horses and the usual array of angelfish, parrotfish, butterfly fish and tons of other tropical fishes. There were some cool swim throughs and I also made one typical lobster-filled night dive (woke up a sleeping turtle on that one). Except for the tech diver who can no longer find enjoyment in sport diving, I can’t imagine anyone not falling in love with these waters. I lived in Hawaii for a year and Guam for 4 months, and this is not Hawaii or Guam diving, but what I experienced was wonderful. Different waters have different attractions. I learned to dive in southern California, and although the water is colder and the visibility less, I still consider the kelp forests of the Channel Islands a dive destination. I live in Washington State now, and many people consider THIS cold, low vis location a dive designation. PV is not Coz. It’s different. But it was great.

I found the people of Puerto Vallarta to be some of the most friendly, service-oriented people in the world. PV itself is an awesome vacation destination, and it is the most returned to vacation spot in all of Mexico. Besides diving, there are many fun things to do. We went horseback riding into the rain forest, parasailing, swam with the dolphins, shopped, swam, laid by the pool, and ate seafood like pigs. The people, hotels and food are wonderful – and the prices are good. There is, however, one very dangerous and hideous creature lurking in PV: The Timeshare Sales Person! Beware!!

Bottom line: If you go to PV expecting coral reefs and 200 foot visibility and you dive with a cattle boat, you will be disappointed. But if you plan your PV vacation right -during the diving season and dive with a good outfit - you can expect to have some wonderful diving in a place that is overall one of the the best vacation locations I’ve ever been to.

Thus ends this long, biased commercial for Puerto Vallarta, Mx.

(The attached picture is one of my dive logs. The pictures were taken from the boat by my wife. The one with the diver is me at 38 feet as seen from the boat.)
I first want to make it clear that I did enjoy diving in PV, but it is not what I would call a great dive location. At the time I went I had only dove in Southern California, the Caribbean, and the mud holes around here, and I was dissapointed in the Visibility and the underwater land scape. no Majestic kelp beds or colorful coral. The water temp in March wasn't what you exsperianced but comfortable. I dove with Vallarta Adventures and didn't exsperance cattle boat conditions in fact the opposit. a couple of dives it was just me and the dive master. My largest complaint was that the surf was so rough that we couldn't go out to the better places, My wife is a teacher and we can't allways get away at the best times.
Glad you had a good time. I would concider going back but only if I got one heck of a good deal. I'll save my money for Cabo next time I go that direction.
:froggy: :froggy:
OOPPSS! Here's the dive log.
It sounds like you had a great time. It was good to read a report on a location that hasn't previously been reviewed ad nauseam.
Hi! Divers
I lived 5 years in Puerto Vallarta and as Divemaster, did some 100’s of dives all over the sites in-and-out the Bay. What Rick wrote is true but there is also some excellent diving during the winter, only that the conditions are more radical and you may get lower conditions like colder, rougher Ocean and less visibility. On the other hand there are more Giant Mantas, see the Humpback Whales and more nudabranchs and invertebrates. Diving during full moon period is the riskier time (4 days before to after). The quality difference between the dive operators may change with the quantity of people they take out. One takes down the certified and beginners together. That deprives the certified from going deeper and more challenging areas. You are also part of a partying group that has no regards for the divers. It’s an extra service to fill the boat (Vallarta Adventure). The other big operator (Chicos) is more like fast food. Carry as many as possible and disregard diving rules and safety procedures. Ex. Maintenance of the equipment, quality of air, up to 10 divers to dive master. It has lost its PADI membership. Although it still advertise its 5 Star IDC. Those two also give resort courses with personnel that are not even certified divers.
Two operators (Pacific Scuba and Twin Dolphins) are doing their best to cater to divers the way it should be: small groups, active-renewed certified Divemasters, equipment control, schedule adapted, to the divers experience and ability. Not big on advertising or volume of people. Relies more on word-of-mouth and Internet referrals.
Two more are Hotel Resorts (Ocean Quest and (not dive shops) and are limited to what they will offer you as dive sites or how they will shorten the dives and service to lower the price. You may have to find to go a long way to where you will be boarding your boat.(They don´t own a boat)
If you are a real diver just be careful on how you will pick your dive operator. You should know what to ask and know the right answers. The list of the current operators is on PADI’s web site.
A good diver is always a good diver, where ever he goes and whatever the conditions. Yes, there is the world to explore with warm and 60’ visibility. I also know that any of these locations have their bad periods, bad visibility, and bad operators. Diving also includes all sort of conditions: under the ice diving, mine shaft, quarries, lakes,.…..
If the Caribbean is your standard, you are shorting yourself out of millions of discoveries and experiences.
Dear Lerry
For your information Ocean Quest Dive Center is a Padi Dive Shop locted
in Olas Altas, Lazaro Cardenas st. # 230 down town Puerto Vallarta and
they co-own five 24 ft dive boats.Dive Sites they visit Los Arcos, Majahuitas, Marietas, El Morro, Chimo, Corbetena, Tehuamixtle, Los Anegados and
Phone # 523222234103 http://www.oceanquestmexico.com

Which sites did you dive? I'm looking for vacation spots for this summer and that sounds real nice. Do they have snorkelers go out with the divers? The wife doesn't dive, but does snorkel. There sounds like there is a good amount of non diving activities for the family to do.


Bill :bounce:

Which sites did you dive? I'm looking for vacation spots for this summer and that sounds real nice. Do they have snorkelers go out with the divers? The wife doesn't dive, but does snorkel. There sounds like there is a good amount of non diving activities for the family to do.


Bill :bounce:
Hi there,

When we were there in January, we dove with Pacific Scuba also. Our first day out we filled the boat. My husband and I were the only two diving, the rest (family) was just snorkeling. We went to the Mariettas Islands and it was great! the snorkelers had a fabulous time... In fact, we even snorkelled around on our SI.

The following day we were at Los Arcos and it was blah..... low vis... green. Glad the snorkellers weren't there that day. of course it may be better at other times, we might have just had a bad day. Let us know what you find.

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