Puerto Penasco/San Carlos Diving

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Hello I'm new to this web site does anyone have any good info for Puerto Penasco or San Carlos area. I plan on moving there this summer to work and play. Any info is good info. Thanks and have a great dive.
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To answer the San Carlos question, the diving is pretty good. I drove down from UT a few years ago with a group and camped a the beach. We had our own Zodiac and dove for a couple days.
I can't recall where we dove or anything, but It is a nice spot for Sea of Cortez diving, a little warmer than So Cal and good looking reefs.


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:cowboy: don
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The diving is certainly more interesting around San Carlos.

Penasco is developing at an unbelievable pace, and may turn into one of the great beach resorts in Mexico - but if it does it will be because it is close to the US and therefore easy to get to, not because it is a great dive destination. It is a very popular place for students at spring break.

All of the dive shops in Arizona organize regular trips to San Carlos - I don't think anybody is regularly leading dive trips to Penasco, although it is closer. San Carlos is the jumping off point for boat dives out to San Pedro Nolasco island, which has always been very popular with Arizona divers.

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