you know what.... Im really really offended!!!...
My purpose wasn't to offend... merely to highlight some observations from living and working in the Philippines.
I don't want to cause an argument here and I don't want to offend you. If you read what I wrote again, with a different perspective, then you might understand that what I wrote was actually
supporting your initiative to provide economy transport to Anilao.
I am not sure 'why' you are insulted. Did I say anything inaccurate or unfactual? Or did you take insult because I attempted to discuss the issue? If so, why would you take insult at that?
It is the issue that offends you, not the mention of it.
i dont like your tone.... if you think thailand has so much more to offer than the philippines then go there!!!...
As I said - constructive criticism doesn't tend to be well received here.
Remember this?
"Whenever I've raised the subject, it became clear that people are not interested to change. They don't want good advice.They don't care how things work elsewhere. They don't care how much money they could be making here."
I didn't say that I thought 'Thailand had more to offer'. I stated that they had a more effective transport infrastructure for tourists. Or rather.. I stated that they
had a transport infrastructure for tourists. The Philippines doesn't. The reason it doesn't is because people here don't think about what the tourist wants (market intelligence). If someone raises an issue, it is taken badly. That point is illustrated very clearly here.
I dive because i love it and nothing else... ive worked as a dive pro abroad, in thailand, palau and as well as locally.... i have not seen the dedication to education there that i see here!!!
Quality of diving, or diving instruction, is not the issue. Stop being defensive.
Why not heed the problem, rather than getting insulted and initiating a tit-for-tat defence??
If you've lived and worked in Thailand, then why not share your perspectives of their
tourism and transport infrastructure... and how such a system could be functional here?
dont you ever think that maybe some parts of the philippines are not exactly open to whoring themselves out as much as other parts... ever think of that??? now if you think that business is better in thailand.... then really... the only logical solution is to set up business there?!?!!.... isnt it?????...
Nice attitude. Is that why the Philippines receives
less foreign investment than
any other Asian country?
logical solution is for tourists to go elsewhere -
which they do!
logical solution is for business investors to go elsewhere -
which they do!
Or are you kidding yourself that the Philippines
doesn't have the slowest growing economy in Asia?
The WHOLE POINT of my post was to raise the issues behind the
lack of success of Philippines tourism. You can embrace that - or you can throw a prideful tantrum.
I can't help but think that if I was a Filipino, you'd be agreeing with me. But because I am foreign, then you react differently to my observations.
Yeah... pay a
fair price.
Your initiative to run economy transport to Anilao is
potentially a
great move. Please don't think that my critique is based on that initiative. If anything, my comments are
supporting the potential of your idea.
Not only is it more fair... it is also something that could pioneer a future growth in dive and non-dive tourism to that location. It could be the catalyst that inspires a new way of thinking... embracing new markets... amongst the resort and tourism operators in Anilao.
you who posed the dilemma that your transport may not have sufficient demand to run regularly or for small groups. I'm attempting to address
that issue... and discuss concepts that would increase demand. I assumed you want a working business model for this venture. If you only want to run an occasional taxi service for your rich Manila diving friends, then I'll cease contributing my perspective to the discussion, no harm done... because the short answer is "
Yes, you can run a bus service for the Manila diving crowd, it will be empty most of the time and tourists won't use it, but profits aren't a motivation, so it will be a nice hobby for you to have..."
in this case you've got to pay the local norms!!!...
Exactly! But foreign tourists
DON'T pay the "local norms" do they? Be honest....
hey ive been in thailand many MANY times.... and actually also the rest of the WHOLE world and guess what?!?!?!?!.... no matter where you are in the world.... no one will admit it but... no matter where in the world you are!!!.... PEOPLE WILL TRY TO MAKE AS MUCH OFF OF TOURISTS AS THEY CAN!!!..... this is a worldwide fact!!!...
Don't kid yourself. Tourism is a business and a vital part of many countries revenues. But that doesn't mean that this revenue is EXPLOITED.
Visitors to this country UNDERSTAND that they are exploited, over-charged and generally swindled.
I'll ask you this... does your company have a "local rate" and a "tourist rate"? Most do....
like i said.... im a scion of a well to do family that has a wide range of bussinesses here and abroad... weve done quite well for ourselves so there goes your theory of enterpreneurship missing from the DNA...
Yes.. and you are the person who has recognised the market potential of providing economy transport to Anilao. My purpose is to support you in that.
We all know how 'family connections' play a vital role in 'business success' in this country. Lets not kid ourselves that this is 'entrepreneurship'. In many instances, it's nothing more than cronyism and corruption (as the rest of the world would define it, even if Filipinos don't).
Now... I'm not accusing you, or your family, of this... I am just pointing out that it happens. Would you deny that?
there is a fact that is true no matter where you go... if there is a market segment that is being ignored... then the reason for it is... the people who can address this segment choose to ignore them!!!...
Untrue. You are stating that these Anilao resort owners WANT their resorts empty from monday to friday? As I said...'entrepreneurship'.
Entrepreneurs seek to make money, to expand business, to capture markets.
Can you define any actual reasons why people would "choose to ignore" the backpacker, econo-diver or family holiday markets?
just because we are a third world country doesnt mean we are uneducated and dont see these things...not everyone is as stupid as you may think...
Education, stupidity and awareness are very different things. Education is not a measure of intelligence. Awareness is a product of culture - specifically, the ability to over-come the boundaries of cultural and regional perspective and take a broader non-aligned view.
I know that Filipinos are educated. It is one of the best performing countries in the world for tertiary education.. and this is reflected by the vast numbers of overseas workers that it produces (a vital part of the national economy). In short, 'brains' is your biggest export.
I am talking about 'awareness'. Specifically for tourism, I am talking about the ability to see beyond what you (as an Filipino) want... and start viewing the market/industry from your customers' demands. Because, if those demands aren't met, then the market won't develop.
Tourism, like any industry, is a matter of supply versus demand.
In the Philippines, the mentality is very much 'supply-orientated'. "This is what you can have, so be happy with it!".
That mentality simply doesn't fly in a demand driven global market.
An entrepreneur understands the market and addresses it. They are 'demand-orientated'. "What do you want and how much are you prepared to pay for it".
It jsut really annoys me that you are here doing business making money on the philippines yet are so quick to judge how we as filipinos are...
Please... cease and desist the righteous indignation of wounded national pride.
Can we talk honestly, and openly, about the tourism industry here.... or shall we delude ourselves that everything is perfect and needs no improvement?
You're a businessman. A successful one. An educated man. So am I. We share a love of scuba diving. We both understand how things work here. You
say you understand how things work elsewhere, in other countries. So do I.
Are we beyond having an intellectual discussion on the subject?
If you were so smart and know everything about markets and such... it leads me to question why you are a dive pro living (probably illeagally)in the philippines to begin with!!!....
1) Married to a very successful Filipina.
2) Enough money in the bank to 'retire' from mainstream career and do what I love.
3) Because I'd like to contribute something to this country.
Ive got my excuse... im from here... whats yours???....
Again...there's no need to be personal.
Plenty more of your countrymen reliant on working in
my country, than there is of mine in
yours. So, lets not go down that route of discussion. Nationalist chest-beating is silly.
Want to show me that you are an astute businessman with an entrepreneurial talent? Show me that you can think 'beyond' your nationalistic angst....and address the discussion without defensiveness.
Again... I am not here to argue with you, or insult you or your country. That I choose to live here is a big compliment, and shows the bigger picture.
So,..please... try not to react that way when confronted with another person's perspectives. Obviously my perspectives
are different to yours... but I represent the 'market'. It's an informative source for you, that I was happy to share. You were the one who started a thread asking about the feasibility of a business idea... I am merely helping you investigate that feasibility. Supply versus demand remember?