Public Safety Diver

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Jupiter, Florida
# of dives
0 - 24
Hey yall,

Im coming home from the military in a month and Im interested in volunteering to become a public safety diver but I cannot find any information on it on my local fire or police based websites! I was wondering if you guys could lead me in the right direction? Any help is greatly appreviated! Thank you

You may have good results from contacting the administrators of the fire or police departments...they should know if a team exists as part of their personnel.

In our county, our dive team is a volunteer unit tasked under the county EMA director. We respond to requests from fire and law enforcement departments (the EMA director receives the request and contacts the dive team leader....he sets the gears in motion to get the team on task).

You may also find out from the Jupiter dive shops...there is a good chance they know of a team's existence.

My thanks to you for serving your country. Stay safe and let us know how your PSD search goes.
Thank you very much sir I appreciate the quick response! I will do so just as you said and I will keep you posted! Thank you agian
Hi Gregg. First off thank you for serving. What did you do in the service?

One question I like to ask everyone is why do you want to be a PSD? I’m not trying to put you on the spot but this job is definitely not for everyone.

Thanks again
Hey Gary,

Your question is completely understandable!! I was a special operator in the US Air Force, it was called TACP, calling in airstrikes! The reason I want to be a PSD is for the job in itself! I want to help out the community by doing the the job that not many people would want to do! The job they do is one that needs to be done and I want to do it! I know you guys probably get alot of people that want to do it cause it looks cool or whatever but thats not why Im here Im here cause I want to do the job in itself! Thank you for your reply Gary, it is greatly appreciated!!
:wink:Welcome aboard and good luck to you.
What Is A Veteran?

A "Veteran", whether active duty, discharged, retired,
or reserve, is someone who, at one point in his life,
wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States
of America," for an amount of "up to, and including
his life." :42:

That is honor, and there are way too many people in this
country today, who no longer understand that fact.
I completely agree with you! Its sad that alot of Americans dont realize that anymore but it makes it worth it by far hearing from good people such as yourself! thank you very much for your support thats what keeps guys going and makes it worth it! Thank you again

I'm an Assistant Team Leader for my employer, Charlotte County Sheriff's Office. Here in most of the southern states the PSD teams are either Law Enforcement or Fire/EMS. There are no Volunteer teams that I'm aware of. It's basically just the opposite up where Gary D. is from where most if not all are privately run teams. The point I'm making here is that in order to be on a PSD team you'll need to employed by LEO or FF/EMS. The only other option is to look for a Urban SAR (search and rescue) Team. I'm on the Manatee County SAR and we are putting together a Dive Team. But the Primary dives would still be done by County or city teams. We know that only after we have established a great rapport with the Chief's and Sheriff's would we be able to assist their teams as back-up divers, but that's what we are working towards.

Hey yall,

Im coming home from the military in a month and Im interested in volunteering to become a public safety diver but I cannot find any information on it on my local fire or police based websites! I was wondering if you guys could lead me in the right direction? Any help is greatly appreviated! Thank you


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