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Gary D.

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Post Falls, Idaho
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
April First, is there something special about that day? You bet there is. Up at 0500 and out in the shop working on bikes. A little after noon I head out to do a couple of things before heading to Marine for Dive Training at 1500.

1500 was the start of out PT. Push, Sit, Jump, add up to the end of each one of those. Then a couple of us take off on a 5 mile bike ride which we ended 14 minutes later while the rest take off running the mile and a half. Each year this testing gets a bit tougher and the healing process takes longer but this old fart squeaks by with the young bucks.

Then a team meeting and other stuff before loading up with the traditional Mexican food overload during each training.

After dinner it was pool time to spend a few hours working on skills. I think half of the guys took a nap on the bottom. Home around 2230 and unload the wet gear into the house to dry.

Around 2330 I’m snuggled in and ready to sleep quick because the alarm is set for 0415. Need to be at work early. Around 0200 I hear a beep, beep, beep. Not paying a lot of attention to it I take my time getting up. Once my eyes were open and a toothbrush was in my mouth I hear that tell tale single beep the pager does if it isn’t answered. OH S%$T I grab it and punch the button; FEMALE IN THE WATER CDA CITY BEACH REQ. DIVE TEAM CALLOUT. All my flipping gear is spread out all over the front room and I’m already 10 minutes into the call. So I start grabbing stuff and put it together but the adrenalin is not getting to where it needs to be fast enough. Just as the third load hits the car the pager again does its obnoxious beeping. I punch button and read; CANCEL RESPONSE TO CITY BEACH 0220. Ok, the first was yesterday. Now try and go back to sleep.:shocked2:

There should be a paper article in the morning but there seems to have been a suicide attempt by a female. She made it around 700 feet from shore in roughly 40df water then realized it was cold and yelled for help.

That thing goes off tonight I’m shooting it. Staying awake today wasn't all that easy.
That thing goes off tonight I’m shooting it.

Gary, I've been reading your posts for a long while and if my recollections are correct, that pager might stand a chance of surviving even if it does go off tonight. :D

Good luck!

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