I checked online for a spec, did not find one. So I took rough measurements from mine using a 6 inch caliper that was too short for the job. It is about 7 inches wide by 6-1/8 inch tall by 6-1/2 inches from front to back (rough, because I have the dome port installed so I measured the difference between ports and corrected).
I suspect you will be most concerned about the height, 6-1/8 inch is fairly accurate - I eyeballed the 1/8. If you are close to that dimension in your case, better measure an actual housing because I had to estimate a little.
To make it smaller, you could remove the port. The body without it is about 3-3/4 inches front to back, estimated, and the port 2-3/4 inch long by 4-3/4 inch diameter at its widest.
Sorry for the inches, you metric guys, I used a caliper with those dimensions.