I had to dive in on this thread.( no pun intended). I just started using my Pee Valve, and I have to tell you a few things that this newby noticed. When you have to go, it feels like your peeing in your suit for real! very unnerving. I was not sure until I took off the suit a couple of hours later, if there had in fact, been an "accident". I do not think that this diver could ever go while under water, as it is hard enough (not a play on words here) to go in a regular wet suit, but in the DS I had a heck of a time just going while standing knee deep!
The biggest problem was getting the DAMxxx thing off! If your un- cut (to coin a phrase) your in for some good times, as that thing sticks to EVERYTHING!!! no danger of that puppy ever falling off. I swear that had I not pulled if off with the jaws of life, it would have stayed in place until after they buried my dead body of old age.
The biggest problem was getting the DAMxxx thing off! If your un- cut (to coin a phrase) your in for some good times, as that thing sticks to EVERYTHING!!! no danger of that puppy ever falling off. I swear that had I not pulled if off with the jaws of life, it would have stayed in place until after they buried my dead body of old age.