Hello all I am new to this forum as of today, but I have been diving for over 20 years.
Hope all is well with Crystal and Bunny. Docs and anyone else "educational" replies would be appreciated!
I was diving approximately 30 days ago at Doctors Cove (Emerald Bay Boy Scout Camp) on Catalina [fyi visibilty 10-15, water temp 71]. I was diving to ~ 40' and after my 3rd dive and last dive over 2 days I could not get my right ear to clear, left ear is/was fine. No pain or dizzyness, it just felt as if there was water or wax clogging in the ear. Nothing really unusual as I have had same symptoms with swimmers ear in the past and they usually cleared up in a week or so.
Symptoms were and are some feeling of pressure in the ear, ringing, mild irratation, and impaired hearing (in right ear only), no pain.
I went to an Urgent Care Doctor (of course my regular Doctor was on vacation) about 7 days after my normal home remedies for wax/water/outer ear irratation did not clear the symptoms (alcohol, acetic acid, OTC wax remover) as I was flying out of town on business. We went over symptoms including my diving, I specifically noted that the symptoms occurred after SCUBA diving. They advised that I had a clog in my estachion tube, and perscribed over the counter anti-hystamines and Aleave. They advised that it would take some time to clear.
During the time since my first Doctors visit I have done several "pressure causing" activities (flying, mountains, snorkeling) and had no trouble equalizing and no pain, only the persistant "clog", annoying but not painful.
After 3 weeks of the OTC treatment recommended and no change I went to an Ear/Nose/Throat Doctor today. The Doctor advised that I probably have a PERILYMPH FISTULA. Symptoms are consistant and hearing is ~ 30% in my right ear compared to my left ear. A real bummer! I am now on a Prednisone 40mg treatment for 7 days and then reducing after down after that. He indicated that hearing return was 50/50. I follow up with him in 14 days.
1) Is this consistent with anyone else symptoms and/or experiences?
2) Is anyone aware of other treatments or suggestions to explore?
3) Any experience direct, anectodatal or other about future diving experience?
4) Anyone have any suggestions about questions I should ask or points to consider?
5) Sources of information on this subject would be much appreciated
Any help information is much appreciated. I went from mildly annoyed to very concerned today.