Problem: Alpha 8 PX3 DVT

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San Juan, Puerto Rico
# of dives
0 - 24
Today my wife used for the 2nd & 3rd time her new Alpha 8 PX3 with DVT. On the first dive she noticed a "metal on metal" type sound comming out of the first stage when she breathed.
On our second dive, we where in some caves and the whole group noticed this "metalic type hissing". After the dives we tried the regulator on two other tanks (with about 900psi each) with the same problem/sound comming from the 1st stage.
Per my wife, the sound began after tank preassure reached below 2000, don't know how accurate this might be or even how relevant. Please note that she did not experience this problem on the first dive, about 2 weeks ago.

Any ideas?
What are my next steps to check this out or have it checked out?

BTW, the reg setup was bough on this February through an aunthorized on-line retailer.
I just want to give a BIG thumbs-up to Oceanic and its Customer Service Team!
Ron Landess & Mark Lane were both very attentive. I sent in the Reg last Wednesday and got a new one back in 7 days!
Good job guys!
Keep it have a customer for life.

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