I could be wrong, but my understanding is that
@baggins_69 is trying to pitch tables to plan repetitive dives when a computer dies.
@boulderjohn's rebuttal included multi-level dives that just happened to be at depths deeper than 60 ft. My quote of baggins69 included his objection that many tourist dives are shallower than 60 ft, but he made no mention of the multi-level aspect. IMO, multi-level is the critical aspect that precludes the use of tables in a realistic backup role.
OK, I understand better your comment. Thanks.
For fun, many folks may not know of the eRDP
ML, a version of the PADI tables that allows for 5-foot depth increments, and multi-level dives. It gove results equivalent to the PADI Wheel, but is a small digital calculator rather than an analog "circular slide rule."
Her is a multilevel dive done on the PADI eRDP
Assume air, 80 ft for 15 mins; NDL for that depth is 30 mins.
Then dive at 60 ft for 20 mins; could have stayed 25 mins at that depth.
Then dive at 40 ft for 45 mins; could have stayed 53. mins at that depth.
Safety Stop mandatory.
Total BT 80 mins.
Surface Interval 1 hour.
Can then dive to 45 ft for 65 mins; square profile 2nd dive.
Or, can do another multi-level dive...
Dive to 60 ft for 20 mins; could have stayed 30 mins at that depth.
Then dive at 40 ft for 35 mins; could have stayed 42. mins at that depth.
Then dive at 20 ft for 20 mins; could have stayed 22. mins at that depth.
Safety Stop mandatory.
Total BT 75 mins.
The point is the RDP -- a "table" -- exists in version that allow for a multilevel dive followed by another multilevel dive, all within NDL, with reasonable bottom times and depths.
The eRDP
ML is available in an online version at
.::Electronic Recreational Dive Planner - eRDPML::..
A computer is better...but not always essential.